Ryunosuke Tanaka x Fem!Reader

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(A/N: Takes place after the first season of Haikyuu, so if for some reason you haven't gotten this far yet, this is a spoiler warning! Read at your own risk!)

Tanaka was wandering the halls of Karasuno without really paying attention to where he was going.

It was frustrating. That bitter feeling of having scratched and crawled their way up to be beaten by that Oikawa and his Aobajosai team. And they'd been especially hard on Tanaka himself for part of the game, trying to break his spirit and his nerves. It made him want to hit something, he was so frustrated with the results.


He paused, turning slightly to see who was calling him. And he started slightly at seeing you behind him.

"(Y/N)? What is it?"

You were a second year and in Tanaka's class. He actually had a large crush on you (as he did with most girls) but the poor guy had barely been able to talk to you, because he was aware of how intense he came across. Kiyoko was used to it, but he got the feeling you would be caught off guard by his enthusiasm. So he always worked to keep his cool around you.

"Well," you started, not quite looking him in the eye, "I know you're probably pretty upset from losing, but it was an amazing game. And you were so cool under the pressure, you didn't let them break you. I thought it was really impressive."

"I-impressive?" he repeated. You thought that...about him?


He turned fully to face you now, dropping his bag down by his side and scratching the back of his head.

"It wasn't that big of a deal," he chuckled nervously. "That's what they get for targeting me! They should have known I'd give it right back to them!"

You smiled slightly at his energy. "Anyway, you're going to start training soon for the spring tournament, is that right?"

"Yeah. Gotta make sure we're in top form to take on those big city boys!" His eyes blazed suddenly and you could swear you could see fire burning around him.

"Well, I wanted to give you something. So you remember to keep that fighting spirit even when times get tough."

Tanaka watched quizzically as you pulled something from your bag and handed it to him. When he looked at it, he saw that it was a ceramic black feather with a number 5 painted in white on it.

You blushed profusely as he stared at it. You truthfully didn't know much about volleyball, but 5 was his number and the team was known as "flightless" crows right now. Plus, his position was a wing spiker, and feathers fell off of wings...you figured it was appropriate.

But he continued to stare at in wonder, like he couldn't understand what was happening.

"You...made this for me?"

You nodded quickly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "It's a good luck charm. But I'd totally understand if you think it's weird or--"

"NO!" he suddenly exclaimed. You looked up at him in surprise. His eyes were glassy with tears and his cheeks were bright red. His dream was finally being realized.

"It-it's great. Better than great, it's perfect! Just like you!"

"M-Me?" you repeated.

"I'll treasure this, I swear! You have no idea--!"

"Ryu, come on!" another voice called from down the hall. You both glanced in that direction to see Nishinoya waving at him. "We're going to be late for practice!"

Tanaka turned back to you. "Sorry, I should--"

"It's fine," you told him with a smile. "You have to beat those city boys, after all."

If Tanaka had been able to, he would have grabbed you in the tightest bear hug he could have managed and never let you go.

But Nishinoya had gotten tired of waiting for his friend, and came to drag him down the hallway towards the gymnasium. So he settled for yelling at you like a madman.

"I'll kick their asses, (Y/N)! You'll see! I'll kick all their asses, just for you!"

You turned to head down the other side of the hallway, hoping you could hide your blush.

~Extended Ending~

"Ow!" Nishinoya exclaimed as Tanaka slapped him on the back of the head. "What was that for?"

"I finally got a good luck charm from a girl and you just had to ruin it for me!"

His smaller friend laughed. "Yeah right, there's no way--"

Tanaka showed him his bag, with the newly attached feather charm. His eyes filled with wonder.

"That's amazing, Ryu! So, are you going to ask her out?"

"First, we have to win at the spring tournament like I promised. And then there's no reason she'd reject me."

Nishinoya slapped him on the back. "Then let's practice! Come on!"

Tanaka nodded firmly, stealing one more glance at the feather.

They would win this time. They had to.

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