Yamaguchi Tadashi x Fem!Reader - Approval

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Tsukishima glanced down at his shorter friend, a bored look plastered on his face. They were walking home together after practice, but Yamaguchi had interrupted his thoughts to ask him something ridiculous.

"If you're already dating, why do you need me to meet her? Do you need my approval that badly?"

Yamaguchi squirmed slightly under his piercing gaze. "It's just what you do, Tsuki. I've met her friends already, so she's been wanting to meet you."

The blond resisted the urge to roll his eyes. The idea was absolutely ridiculous in his opinion. Why did Yamaguchi need his approval? Or this....girl that he'd never met?

"Please, as a favor?" Yamaguchi's voice cut through his thoughts.

"Fine. But just this once."

"And, uh--"

"Uh, what?" Tsuki snapped.

Yamaguchi met his gaze evenly. "You have to be nice to her."

Tsuki said nothing for a moment. He was mostly just surprised at Yamaguchi's rush of confidence on this matter.

"Just this once," he repeated slowly before putting on his headphones.

Yamaguchi grinned. "Thanks, Tsuki. I owe you one!"

Tsukishima simply grunted in reply.

A few days later, Tsukishima met up at the cafe Yamaguchi had told him to meet at. He was even a little early, as per his best friend's instructions. He slid into the seat across from Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi was fidgeting nervously, waiting for your arrival. "Remember, (Y/N) is--"

"--the greatest thing that ever happened to you so I have to be on my best behavior," Tsukishima grumbled.

"I never said--"

"You didn't have to."

Yamaguchi opened his mouth to defend himself but was interrupted by another presence at the table.

"Hi, Tadashi," you said as you slid into the seat next to him.

"H-hi," he replied softly. You smiled at him before glancing at his tall friend.

"Tsukishima Kei," his friend introduced himself.

"(L/N) (F/N). Nice to meet you."

Tsukishima forced himself to return your smile, although he was sure it looked almost as scary as Kageyama's.

You didn't seem to notice, you were too busy perusing the menu.

Yamaguchi slowly shook his head at Tsuki, signalling him to quit smiling. He sighed quietly and started looking at the menu too.

After you'd finally ordered, it became quiet around the table.

"So Tsukishima, how did you and Tadashi meet?" you asked.

"We've known each other since elementary school. He saved me from some bullies," Yamaguchi blurted out before Tsukishima could even think of answering.

"That's so brave!"

Tsukishima narrowed his eyes, noticing something hidden behind your smile.

"Yes, I suppose," he finally forced out. "And how did you two meet?"

"I go to Shimada's store after school sometimes and I kept seeing him there while he was practicing."

Yamaguchi beamed. "She was really interested in my float serve."

"Was she?" Tsuki mumbled to himself as the food finally came. He allowed it to distract him for a fraction of a second before continuing.

"You're not in our class, are you?"

You shook your head. "No, I'm in 1-5. One behind you."

"Really? I don't think I've seen you around."

"That might be because you have headphones on all the time," you pointed out. "It's not like you're paying a lot of attention."

"You're sure paying a lot of attention to me, aren't you?" Tsukishima pointed out with a smirk.

Yamaguchi suddenly cleared his throat loudly.

Both of you glanced at him.

You awkwardly continued eating, not speaking to one another except for a few comments of "This is really good. How's yours?" Although you could still feel each other's challenges.

After a few minutes, Yamaguchi had decided that you'd calmed down enough not to kill each other without his presence. He excused himself to go to the bathroom.

You and Tsukishima waited a full thirty seconds before glaring each other down.

"What is your problem?" you snapped.

"My problem? You're the one who's been staring at me the whole meal," he hissed back.

"Maybe that's because I've heard the rumors about you, Tsukishima. I'm really interested in how Tadashi has a friend like you."

"Because I keep him away from girls like you!" he retorted. You gave him a puzzled look. "Oh, don't act innocent. You're interested in his float serve? You just want to latch on now before he becomes an important member of the team."

"You haven't even known me for thirty minutes and you think I'm that shallow? Or that I would ever do that to someone as nice as him?"

Tsukishima shrugged. "Why not? Others have. Or used him to get to me."

"That's horrible!"

The tall blond sighed heavily. "He's just so trusting of anyone who will give him the time of day."

"He did think I was joking when I confessed," you admitted quietly.

"You were the one who confessed?"

You shrugged slightly. "He's just so shy, you know? I think it's really cute to be honest, but I figured I had to be the one to confess or wait around for him to say something at graduation."

Tsukishima smiled in spite of himself. "That sounds like him. If he was just a little more confident..."

"He's going to be a force to be reckoned with when he gets there," you agreed.

The two of you glanced at each other. It seemed you'd reached some common ground.

"Look, I'm sorry," you said finally. "I came in knowing that you were kind of a bully type and I pre-judged you. Tadashi begged me to be nice to you until I really got to know you."

"He did the same to me!" Tsukishima exclaimed.

"You're kidding!"

"I'm not. You know how stubborn he is when he wants something."

You laughed. "Well, either way, you obviously care about him a lot if you agreed to it. And you're right, he probably needs someone like you looking out for him."

Tsukishima averted his gaze. "And I guess....you're not so bad." It was equally obvious that if you were willing to stand up to him, you obviously cared about Yamaguchi. But he certainly wasn't going to tell you that. Yamaguchi had to work for every compliment, and you weren't going to be any different.

Especially if you were going to stick around, which he had a feeling you would.

"That's pretty high praise from Tsuki."

You both turned to see Yamaguchi standing there.

"How long have you...?"

"Long enough," he replied with a smile. "I knew you two would get along eventually."

Both of you made a "tch" sound at him, still irritated he'd made you act nice to one another. But at least you both approved of each other.

"All right, (Y/N), now you have to meet the rest of the team!" Yamaguchi told you as you left. "If you can get along with Tsuki, everyone else should be a breeze."

"But Shoyo is so loud," you whined.

"Don't forget about the King," Tsuki commented.

Yamaguchi sighed. "Kageyama isn't that bad."

"Kageyama Tobio?" you asked. "How is he even in your class with grades like his?"

Tsukishima smirked. Maybe you two could be friends after all. "You'd better hang on to this one, Yamaguchi."

"I plan to," Tadashi replied, wrapping an arm firmly around your waist.

You beamed at him. "So do I."

Tsukishima resisted the urge to vomit as you rubbed your noses together. That was going to take some getting used to.

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