Nishinoya Yuu x Fem!Reader - If I Wasn't

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Nishinoya was a lot of things. But sometimes he wished he wasn't. He had a girlfriend, but he often wondered if you'd still like him if he wasn't like this. If he wasn't...


The libero knew his height was something of an oddity. As Hinata had assessed on their first meeting, he stood barely five feet in height. His hair even accounted for some of that.

He did his best to brush it off and pretend it didn't bother him. But it's kind of hard when you're constantly surrounded by others who are taller than you. Plus, that's the way couples were "supposed to be", with the guy being taller than the girl. It made them look more protective and he longed for that. He longed to be seen as more of a man.

Because his height made others underestimate him. He couldn't help but wonder if that meant you, too.

...Energetic and Impulsive.

Nishinoya had a natural athleticism that came with being both energetic and impulsive. But it also meant that he came off as a loud hothead sometimes as well.

Like when he'd confronted Asahi in the hallway and had got so caught up in that, he'd accidentally gotten himself suspended. Sometimes he thought it'd be better if he was calmer and thought things through, like Daichi or Sugawara. He sometimes thought this made him look far more immature in comparison to his upperclassmen.

And it meant you had to work harder to keep up with him, not just on an athletic level, but as far as spontaneity and readiness to try new things with him.

...a Flirt.

It was no secret that Nishinoya loved girls. The girls and their uniforms at school were part of the reason he'd chosen it in the first place.

But even with you by his side, he had a tendency to get distracted by pretty girls walking by. Kiyoko was one such case. He'd often drop everything and go out of his way to speak to the manager because he was just so enamored by her.

He knew that wasn't fair to you, but he was still relatively green when it came to relationships. He was so used to swooning over girls with Tanaka that sometimes he acted before thinking how it would affect you. He'd tried to keep it to a minimum around you, but you couldn't be that oblivious to it.

...a Libero.

If there was one thing the second year felt guilty about wanting to change, this was it.

He'd been playing volleyball long before you'd met, and he had no plans to change anytime soon. However, he was well aware that his practice and tournaments left him precious little time to spend with you.

And when he did, he was usually in the middle of recovering from diving after balls. It made some situations awkward, like going to the beach. Not that it'd ever stop him, but he wondered about the way it had a negative effect on you.


The biggest one. If you knew he was insecure about all of these things, would you still accept him as he was? Or would you not be able to look at him the same way? Would you even want to keep seeing him?

All of his teammates noticed something was off about their "Guardian". He was missing simple returns, and not going after dropped balls like he usually would. Even his signature cries when he went after some were nowhere to be found.

It wasn't until Daichi noticed you lingering at the gym door that they could put two and two together.

"Go on." Asahi gave his friend a hard shove in your direction while the others went back to practice.

His brown eyes met yours and he slowly made his way towards you.

"I...have something to confess."

"Nishi, have you really been so worked up about all that?"

He looked at you in confusion.

"You're the perfect height. Taller guys are intimidating, because they always look down at me, but I never have that problem with you. Plus, you're just the right size for cuddling."

To prove your point, you wrapped your arms around him.

"I love your energy. It makes me smile whenever I see you. And so what if you're a little impulsive? It keeps me on my toes. I never know what you're going to do next."


"I liked it before we were dating," you assured him. "Just like your enthusiasm with girls. I've always thought it was cute."

"But, I look at other girls!" he exclaimed. "Doesn't that bother you?"

"Does it bother you when I look at the rest of your team?" He started slightly.

"N-no," he admitted finally.

"Because you trust me. And I trust you too, Nishi."


"And you're an amazing libero. You're doing what you love, and you're working hard at it. All your bruises prove that."

He frowned slightly. "But when we go to tournaments--"

"I get to brag about how good you are, silly." You slowly intertwined your fingers with his. "You wouldn't be the same if you changed any of those things. And I like you, Nishi. Just how you are."

He squeezed your hand. "You're amazing." You beamed.

"No, you are. That's what I've been telling you."

"I love you, you know that?"

Nishinoya seized your lips in a sweet kiss before a particularly loud shout reached your ears. It sounded like the others were getting into their game.

Your boyfriend scrambled to his feet, pulling you with him.

It was Kageyama's serve. He threw up the ball, easily following it and performing a jump serve. His opposing team: Sugawara, Daichi, Tanaka, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi, readied themselves to receive it. But no one could have expected Daichi's perfect receive back over the net.

The others scrambled to retrieve it when a familiar yell echoed through the gym. Nishinoya threw himself in front of the ball, sending it back just as easily.

"Your Guardian has returned!" The libero proclaimed with a wide grin. The others cheered, especially when they scored a point.

He glanced at you and gave you a quick thumbs-up. You returned the gesture as you sat with Kiyoko to watch the practice game. But even better was watching your boyfriend's troubles melt away while playing the game he loved.

After all, that was why you fell for him in the first place.

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