Older!Iwaizumi Hajime x Fem!Reader - Mixer

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(Loosely based on Season 1, Episode 8 of Aggretsuko. I would definitely recommend it if you haven't seen it yet!)

"And how do you know these guys again?" your friend asked as you and another office mate sat down at the table.

You were hardly listening. You were regretting this idea already.

A mixer. A singles mixer. Could it get any worse than this?

"It's just a few guys from the accounting department," she replied.

A mixer. With people from work. You resisted the urge to leave right then.

Maybe it would be fine. You had your best friend with you, after all.

Ten minutes later, you were sitting there with three strangers. A tall and lanky guy, a loud and fun guy, and...a sort of nondescript one.

Although that could be because he was quiet. He had only told you his name.

Iwaizumi Hajime.

The other four had hit it off almost immediately, becoming more friendly as they drank and joked together about the office.

You were drinking as well, but he seemed to prefer water.

"Do you not like alcohol?" you asked after a moment. He glanced up at you and you panicked. "I'm sorry! That must seem really rude!"

"It's fine," he replied. "I don't mind it on occasion, but I drove tonight, so..."

You nodded, feeling the conversation drop back into awkward territory.

He averted his gaze, scratching the back of his head. "I-I'm sorry. I'm not very good at--"

"Hajime doesn't have a great track record with girls!" His tall friend called from the other side of the table.

"Shut up, Watari!" Iwaizumi snapped. Watari stuck out his tongue in response, possibly on account of Hajime not using his first name too.

You laughed. "You guys must be old friends."

"Yeah...he was on my team in high school," he mumbled. He didn't know if it was the embarrassment at his friend's outburst the or the way your laugh sounded dancing through his ears, but he could feel his cheeks reddening.

"What kind of team?" you pressed.

"Volleyball. I was the ace, actually."

"Wow, that's so cool!"

He smiled slightly before taking another sip of his drink.

You felt your breathing hitch. Wow, did he have a pretty smile.

Your friend nudged you and gave you a teasing wink. You shuffled away from her, trying to hide your blush.

"Is that where you know your other friend from?" you asked.

Without warning, the loud one leaned into your conversation, throwing an arm around Hajime's shoulders.

"We were old rivals," he explained. "And still are."

"That's only because you make everything a competition, Kuroo," Hajime grumbled.

"Aww. You're making me look bad in front of your cute lady friend, Iwa-chan," the one called Kuroo retorted.

Hajime glared at him. "I told you not to call me that."

Kuroo snickered softly before straightening back into his own conversation.

"Seems like you have some fun up in accounts," you commented.

He shrugged. "Depends on the day. And you're from the sales department, right?" he asked suddenly.

"That's right. All three of us."

"Well...maybe I'll visit sometime on my break."

"You're welcome anytime," your friend butted in. "You all are! We're only one floor below you, after all."

You glanced at her but she was already back into her conversation with Kuroo. Although you could feel them listening intently to every word.

If Iwaizumi noticed, he seemed to ignore it. You continued talking through the rest of the evening.

"Wait," he stopped you once you were outside. "Could I have your number? T-to see when is a good time for that visit."

"Of course." You exchanged phones and entered your numbers. You had only just handed his back when a loud honk echoed through the street.

"Whoops," Kuroo giggled as he leaned out of the car to look at you.

Iwaizumi sighed. "I'm sorry. About both of them."

You barely suppressed a smile. "Don't worry about it. Drive safe, Iwaizumi."

"Hajime," he replied.

"Maybe I'll see you at work on Monday, Hajime."

"See you, (Y/N)."

Another honk echoed from Hajime's car. "Oi, you two! Cut that out!" he snapped.

"But we're tired," Watari's voice whined from the backseat.

Hajime glared at him through the rear view mirror. "That's because you drank too much as usual. This is why I don't come to these things."

"But you better go see that girl on Monday," Kuroo mumbled as his head rested against the window.

"Yeah, we'll see."

But on Monday, Iwaizumi met you on the stairwell during your lunch break.

"This was a great idea," you told him as you ate your lunch.

"Well, Kuroo is down there right now trying to get a date out of (F/N). If he sees me, I'll never hear the end of it."

"Yeah....and I don't need that kind of gossip right now."

"Exactly." He cleared his throat, his face burning. "But....we could go out for lunch sometime. Away from the office."

You smiled. "I'd like that."

A mixer. With people from work. Who knew it would work out in your favor?

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