Sawamura Daichi x Reader - Picture Perfect

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"Excuse me, sorry!" you called as you weaved your way between people after school.

That is, until you slammed right into someone and scattered your things all over the floor.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" a familiar voice asked. You glanced up to see your friend Daichi staring down at you.

You smiled slightly. "Hey, Daichi. I'm fine, I just didn't see you." You bent down to start gathering your things.

"I kind of figured," he replied as he helped. "You looked like you were in a hurry. Something going on today?"

"Yeah, actually. I'm submitting a photography portfolio to a magazine. They might make me their official photographer if they like it."

His head snapped up. "(Y/N), that's amazing! Why didn't you say anything?"

"Well, I--" you started before seeing his hand on a picture. "No!"

He followed your gaze to the picture he was holding and stared at it. He glanced up at you and then back at the picture.

"This is me," he said finally.

You nodded, feeling your face turning red. "Remember, I came to one of your practices last month? I got a few really good shots of the team and I thought I should include them in the portfolio. For some diversity, you know. Most of my stuff is still shots, nothing like that..." you continued to ramble on as Daichi stared at the photo.

It was a perfectly timed shot of him spiking the ball. He was in mid-air with his legs bent at the knee, one arm pulled back behind his head. And the other reaching out until his fingers just brushed the volleyball. You could see the beads of sweat on his neck and face from that game. The shadows around him danced along his form, further adding to the depth of the shot. And there was an intensity in his face that he'd never been able to see before. An obvious passion for the game, his love for volleyball.

"...I meant to tell you, but I thought you might feel embarrassed if I told you I wanted to submit it."

That got his attention again.

"Embarrassed?" he repeated. "Why?"

You shrugged. "It's not exactly a professional shot."

"No, but I think it's...amazing, (Y/N). You should definitely submit it."

He handed the photo back to you. You smiled slightly, placing it with the others.

"Thanks. I'll get you a copy of it, if you want."

He frowned slightly. "Why can't I have that one?"

"No way! It's one of my favorite pictures!" His frown was quickly replaced by a smirk.

"Oh? And why's that?"

You felt your face getting red again. "I told you, it's one of my first action shots!"

"You're sure it's not because it's of your favorite volleyball captain?"

"Of course not," you snapped, although it was painfully obvious that you were lying. "Now, I have to go or I'm going to be late."

He let you get a little ways down the hall before calling out to you.

"Hey, (Y/N)! When you get that job, we're going out to celebrate, my treat!"

You paused. Had Daichi....just asked you out?

A few months later, you finally managed to give Daichi his copy of that picture. It was about time, and you'd found a new favorite picture anyway. The one of the two of you sitting in a restaurant together. Your arms around each other and big smiles on your faces. Your very first date of many to come.

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