𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 6

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For a minute you forgot about everything and drowned into your own world. But Heejin constantly calling you pulled you back to reality. "When will you take me to your office mommy?" Heejin asked, "what about tomorrow?" You asked her, you are never gonna leave her alone anymore, you can't let him be with her, you can't let him take your daughter away from you, you didn't wanna lose her.

Heejin excitedly cut the call, she was happy to go to work with you. You cut the call before she could say anything and engage yourself in work so that you won't have time to think about anything else.

"I am going to my mom's office tomorrow" Heejin excitedly said to Jimin, "that's great but seems like we won't be able to meet tomorrow then" Jimin pouted, "can we exchange numbers so that we could talk?" Heejin asked and Jimin agreed they both exchanged numbers and then continued watching the movie.

As both were watching the movie Heejin slept, Jimin noticed it, he put a strand of hair behind her ears and admired her, something about her was attracting him towards her, he cared so much about her, he then asked one of the maids where her room is and took her to bed.

He carefully laid her on the bed and pulled the cover over her. He left after some time.

The next day

As you said to Heejin you took her to your office, she was on the couch watching some cartoons on her phone while you were going through some files. After a long time, you completed your work and stretched your body after getting up from your chair.

You walked to the large window and stood in front of it watching the city, with your hands in your pocket. You heard the door of your office open, you turned to see who it was and froze in your spot, you didn't know how to react or what to say but tears rolled down your eyes seeing the person standing by the door.

As that person moved closer you fell on your knees and cried out loud, you both are meeting each other after 6 long years, hearing you crying, Heejin came to you and eyed the person head to toe and gave a confused look. She didn't know why you were crying like this seeing that person.

That person was none other than your mom, you missed her so much these years and you felt guilty that you weren't able to meet her when she wanted to. She came and kneed down in front of you and wiped your tears, you hugged her and cried, "I missed you mom," you said between your cries.

"I missed you too sweetheart," she said. You made your mom sit on the couch and sat next to her, Heejin was following you like a lost puppy who was waiting for an explanation. "Is she my granddaughter?" Your mom asked, pointing at Heejin. You nodded, "Heejin this is my mom, your grandma," you said, patting the place between you and your mom telling her to sit. "She looks so cute, she has your eyes, " your mom said admiring her while she just sat there smiling at your mom.

"Taehyung said to me you came back," your mom said looking at you, "you mean Kim Taehyung?!" Heejin asked, " It's not him, Heejin, can you go and ask Mina to get something to drink for your grandma?" You asked Heejin to change the topic. She nodded and left. Now you turned to your mom, "so you haven't told her about her dad?" Your mom asked as you nodded a no.

But then you realized something and your headshot up to meet your mom's eyes, "how did you know he is her dad?" You asked her, she chuckled and said, " I know about my daughter, I know that you won't kill an innocent child just because you had a fight with your boyfriend," she said.

"Taehyung is still upset with you," she added. "I know, when we met that day he kept yelling at me," you said. "I am sure he will understand you, but you have to say to Heejin about everything and also to Jimin about Heejin," she said, "I am not ready for all those yet, mom but one day I will definitely say I guess?" You said.  You, Heejin, and your mom talked for some time then she left after inviting you both for lunch the next day.

After completing work, you went back home with Heejin and dinner was already ready. After having dinner, you and Heejin went to bed, you went to take a shower before bed while Heejin was on the bed chatting to Jimin. After coming from the shower you went to bed and laid down next to her, you saw that Heejin was texting someone and asked her who it was.

"It's Jimin, mom," she replied smiling. "Heejin, will you hate mom if I hid something from you?" You asked her in a low voice scared of what she would answer. "I know whatever you do is for my good mom, so I won't hate you ever. I will always love you, eomma." She said and kissed your cheek. You gave her a peck on her forehead and went to sleep after telling her not to be awake for too long.

The next day

You woke up and informed Mina that you won't be coming to the office today and went to do your morning routine, after taking a shower you got dressed and went to wake up Heejin.

"Good morning baby" you whispered in her ears giving a peck on her cheek, she slowly rubbed her eyes and opened it, "good morning mom," she said in her morning voice which was so cute. After she got ready, both of you went to your mother's house, you were going there after years and you were pretty excited, but you would definitely miss your dad's presence there. as you reached there, your mom welcomed you with a very warm hug and the same for Heejin.

Then you were helping your mom to cook while Heejin sat on the countertop and looked at you both cooking. "You still don't know how to cook?" Your mom asked, laughing, "I don't want to learn, it seems so complicated like chemistry equations," you said cutting the vegetables.

As you three were having fun while cooking you heard the doorbell ring, "I will go get it," you said wiping your hands on the apron you were wearing. You removed it and kept it aside.

As you opened the door you stood in shock not moving a bit, "why are you here?" Taehyung asked, pulling you back to your senses. "Mom invited me here," you said in a low voice. He just pushed you aside and went in. You didn't get angry with him as you know he was upset with you, you closed the door and followed him.

"Mom I told you that she returned so that you won't worry about her, not that you can invite her home," he yelled from the living room waiting for your mom to Get there. Both your mom and daughter heard it and came to the living room.

Heejin saw him and went into fangirl mode. "Mom, what is he doing here?" Heejin asked, almost screaming, "mom?" Taehyung asked, looking at you raising his eyebrow. "Y-yeah she is my d-daughter," you said slowly. "Wow you already moved on, got married and even have a child now," he said bitterly, chuckling. "I haven't got married yet," you said. Although he was raising his voice at you, you didn't wanna yell at him.

"Oh, so where is your boyfriend who is better than him?" Taehyung asked looking around the house to find a guy. "I don't have a boyfriend either, Taehyung," you said. You felt like you wanna say the truth to him but still something was holding you back from telling him that Heejin was Jimin's child.

"Then who the fuck is her father y/n?" Taehyung yelled at you, "i-its your best friend, Tae," you said, "what? But you said that you will abort it right?" Taehyung asked you, he wasn't yelling now it was more of a calm but confused voice.

"I said that so no one would be worried about me being a single mother," you said looking down, not daring to look into his eyes. "Are you fucking serious y/n? Have you lost it? Can't you find an even more lame excuse than this?" Taehyung yelled again. "What else do you want me to do Taehyung? After he told all those to me, you expect me to stay with him?!" Now you have lost it and you yelled at him.

"Oh come on y/n don't act the victim here, you wouldn't have had the best time of your life but you at least had this little girl with you, but Jimin, what about him? He was so miserable all these years, he felt guilty that he was the reason you aborted the baby," "yeah, I had Heejin with me because he didn't want her and he really didn't want me too," hearing you both yells like this Heejin started to cry, while tears streamed down your eyes too.

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