Faulty shadow travel

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own DC or PJO. This is a fanfiction. I'm only putting this once.

I was getting tired of Camp Half Blood. After the Giant War, There have been many stray monsters running around unchecked. So the Seven go on scoutings to hunt them. Without them, things have been very difficult. The campers know I helped int eh war, and respect me. But things are not the same without Percy or anyone else. Sure, I have Will. But it's only him. No one else. 

I decided to Shadow-Travel to the nearest McDonalds. I never really liked it, I only used it for summoning the dead. Apparently they like it. But, hey, It's better than staying at camp.

So, curse my luck, I ended up in one of the most dangerous cities of America. Gotham. The Fates must hate me.

I shadow travelled into a dark and grimy alleyway, behind two people. I was behind two muggers, lying in wait in some dumpsters for an unfortunate victim. Turns out I scared the living daylights out of them.

I did the most reasonable thing you could do in this situation.

'Hey, can I leave?' I asked, not even a fraction scared, or bothered about the situation.

That changed when the Thug no. 1 produced a gun from his pocket. I backed up until I hit a dead end. Like seriously, what is it with Demigod luck? The other withdrew a knife.

'Gimme all your cash kid,' The thug with the gun said. He was visibly shaken after I teleported into existence behind him,—but he thought I was an easy target. Who knows why?

I suddenly felt my anger fill me up. I hate being called a kid. I've been through more than these idiots and they have the audacity to call me a kid? Sure these mortals don't know anything about greek gods or anything. But it still angered me.

I knew I couldn't take them down. I had used up so much of my energy shadow-travelling to a McDonalds. The nearest McDonalds was quite far away, so I had to expend a large amount of energy. But I won't go down without a fight.

'Come take it' I taunted, trying to make his emotions cloud his judgement.

The thug with the gun came charging at me. He forgot that guns are better-off longe range. I feinted to the right. His gun swiftly moved to the right and squeezed out a shot. It narrowly missed me as I dived to the left and swept his feet and he came crashing down. I punched his skull and the noise of a head crashing to the floor reverberated through the alley.I had temporarily discombobulated him.

The Knife-Thug came at me and kicked my solar plexus. I slammed against the wall. The thug came closer with a triumphant grin. He stuffed his hand in my pocket and pulled out a wad full of Drachmas. He scowled and threw it into the dumpster.

  Well there goes my iris-offerings I thought. The thug put the knife on my throat. I kicked his groin with the remainder of my energy and he staggered backwards and fell into the dumpster.

Before I could celebrate further, he threw a dirty underwear at my face, obscuring my view. I ripped it off just as he lifted me by the scruff of my shirt. 'Ya lil' rat!' He yelled at me and dumped my head in the dumpster.

Before my head submerged into the disgusting sea of rubbish, I saw a shadow standing on the roof.

BWHAHAHAHA sorry for the cliff-hanger. I'll update soon.


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