Monsters With Guns and another Demigod?

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Today was school. And I'm excited. Why? You may ask. Simply because Leo made a device that translates english to ancient greek. I don't know what I'd do without that crazy man(Don't tell him that!).

The device is a small  crimson rock which scans the board, and beams the info into the device.

when you press a button on the top of it, it can create The Mist, which makes the ancient greek  look like english to a mortal.

I skipped my way to school. Wow, Ghost King is skipping, the world has ended.

The school I'm going to is called "Gotham Academy".

The others go there to. I reached the gate of school in 5 minutes(I'm a Demigod, what do you expect?) and it was bustling with people. I'm in 4th grade, so I climb the steps and go to my first class, history.

I was in 4rth grade due to some er-issues at Westover.(Thanks for pointing this out  @PotatoFishees and @ommpagurl and some more problems in the chapter👍🏻)

I like history, simply because I can learn all about what happened when I was in the Lotus Casino, and not look like a total dork who was born in 19s to my adopted brothers.

I came late, so that I could skip breakfast and not get eyeballed mercilessly by other students, thinking why is a 15yr old in 4rth grade. Thankfully my adopted brothers don't care much.

The teacher, Ms. Smith, was blabbering about something, but luckily she was writing it down on the board as well. So I grabbed my glasses from my bag, and wore them. Instantly, the words stopped doing 180s as if riding skateboards and were remaining fixed in one place.

So all I had to do was try to listen and note down what Ms. Smith was talking. But I doubted I could write a word—let alone a sentence with the speed and the monotone buzz she was talking at. It was like a robot took too much caffeine and starting blurting out information as fast as possible.

After the class was over, I took off the glasses and placed it in my bag. If someone stole it, it would reappear in my pocket, just like Percy's pen.

A hecate camper helped Leo enchant it and duplicate it as well.

So Leo is basically rich. He has been selling this things as "McShizzle merchandise.He gave the seven for free though. He thought I was a bit creepy and intimidating and hurriedly gave the glasses for free to me.

All the other classes were the same. I used my glasses to jot down notes. and tried my best to listen. It might help if I have extensive knowledge of many things. But ADHD kicked in and I stopped listening within the first 3 minutes.

Speaking of Percy, I was going to the bathroom, and an iris message appeared.

'Neeks, how are you lil' bro?' Percy asked with a mischievous smile on his face.

'If you call me that I will run you through,' I said

Percy grinned and said "Sure you will, but you gotta catch me first with your small legs'.

I rolled my eyes and told him about how I accidentally shadow travelled here.


Uh oh.

Will shoved Percy aside and lectured me on never listening.

'Neeks are you even listening?' Will asked exasperatedly

Ghost King Meets The Dark KnightWhere stories live. Discover now