The Calm Before The Storm

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Jason POV
Everyone was gathered around the Bat Conference Room. Donatello felt the bomb's explosion countdown changed drastically after the first bomb we diffused.

Luckily, "Camp Jupiter" and "Camp-Half Blood" or something, were happy enough to help diffuse the other bombs.

Now we were planning on turning the manor a fort. Sure, it's really strong and stuff, but Nico INSISTS we should make it monster-proof.

'Why can't you just make another fort, I don't want this place trashed,' Tim demanded

'Quiet Drake! This is about killing this filth which wants to take over the world, and all you can think of is the Manor?' Damian shouted.

For once, I actually agreed with the Demon-Spawn. We didn't have time for another fort. But still, even I didn't want this place broken. Nico swore that the Hephaestus campers would help. I think they're the nerds who keep creating swords and weapons?

Most of those Hertic—Hecate campers were around, placing magical wards. The metal god campers made Celestial Bronze staffs for Tim and Dick. The staffs had some sort of poison on them, that would effectively kill monsters.

The Hecate campers put a spell on my guns, so they would shoot Celestial Bronze bullets. By the way, the bullets were finite, meaning I had to be wary of running out of ammunition. They gave me a dagger to keep as a last resort.

Maybe I can ask them to give me infinite mortal bullets, for kill- I mean,uh, neutralising villains.

Nico and Donatello had some sort of plan, but didn't tell us, saying we wouldn't let us do it.

The fam had gotten closer to the two demigods. They had gone through so much pain and misery, that everyone wanted to give them a proper family.

And none of us wanted them to die.

Even the Demon-Spawn admitted it grudgingly.

The Justice League were coming too, they got Celestial Bronze weapons, or got them upgraded to Celestial Bronze.

Donatello POV
After 2hrs of planning, we decided to share the prophecy to everyone. Rachel told everyone the prophecy at camp half blood, and we got an iris message to hear it.

All the Demigods and Roman Legionaries knew the prophecy, and will let us do it.
The Seven were adamant that we should not do it, that we can change the prophecy depending on our actions.

But in the end, they unhappily let us.

The iris message was actually because Percy wanted to talk to Nico, but then Rachel spewed a prophecy. I was with Nico and haree the prophecy too.
Everyone was eating and joking at the Dining Pavilion, when suddenly a green mist suddenly surrounded Rachel. Everyone quieted down.

The Eldest God shall  fall
His greed shall be his downfall
Darkness shall befall
Danger shall free fall

The son of  shadows and magic shall answer the call.
Together they must unite to kill the Fallen god
Or if they fail, they will end it all

Flashback over
So now we stand in front of the batfam and repeated the prophecy and told them our plan.
Various responses were thrown at us like "HOW DARE YOU TRY TO SACRIFICE YOURSELF"
In the end, they grudgingly let us do it.

The plan was that we infuse our souls together, so we could have the Maximum  amount of power to beat the "Fallen God". And it was foretold in the prophecy. Most of the Hecate Campers say that. So does Nico.

The Hecate Campers told us that we need to wear a silver Vambrace, which could block very powerful magical bursts from the monsters, Since this Fallen God is giving them minor power over magic, so everyone has some sort of item on them that can reduce the pain and power of the magic burst when hit, or blocked.

The Vambrace can take our souls and make them as one, if we imagine our souls together, for example, if we imagine fighting the Fallen God with one body, which both of our souls are in, then the Vambraces will send invisible burst of magic which can connect our souls together.

All of the Hecate Campers, including me, worked on this. It took quite a lot of time—but we did it.
The monster have guns also, and they've become quite precise. You may be wondering, why are there not any frequent monster attacks.

Because one,the Fallen God is collecting them all and training them together, and two, because Gotham is full of nut jobs that make even the monsters annoyed.

Hades told Nico that the Fallen God is "Legius"

It seems he is the only one who can even give a sliver of help, because all the other gods and goddesses are just lazing around Olympus. And because the Abyss, were he was supposedly banished to, is in the underworld. Meaning he is most qualified to help.

But still, I annoyed the other gods and goddesses aren't helping. Even you Mom.

Get ready Legius, because you are gonna be in a WHOLE lot of PAIN.

This is how a vambrace/bracer looks like:

IMPORTANT PLEASE READThis is how a vambrace/bracer looks like:

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