Puking A Day, Keeps A Scary God Away

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Now, it will be difficult to describe the battle, so Nico and Donnie in one body is called DIO. 

Also very sorry for the sudden shift in POV.

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Dio ran towards Legius, swinging his sword. Legius sidestepped easily and bludgeoned him with the blunt side of the battle-Axe, stunning Dio. He staggered backwards but eventually regained his footing.

'Even with both of you in one body, you're still weak,' The god gloated.

The Battle-Axe's blue runes glowed, and a giant atomic beam sped towards Dio. He managed to block it just in time, but the force knocked the crimson sword out of his grasp. It went flying across the field. The sword was 20 metres away.

Legius lumbered forward swiftly.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall Dio though as Legius raised his weapon.

The Battle-Axe, Dynamo(Shadows) swung down with a swish. Dio rolled away from the murderous weapon's trajectory.Instead were his body was, there was just dirt.

Dynamo was firmly planted deep inside the dirt. Dio focused and outstretched his arm. The sword came swinging back.

Dio caught it and read the greek inscription on the flat of the sword for a moment.

"Μόνο ο άξιος θα σηκώσει το Foeslayer, "(only the worthy shall lift Foeslayer) (I swear I'm not trying to copy Marvel)

Legius had finally tugged his Battle-Axe.He glimpsed the inscription and a flash of regcognition could be seen in his eyes, and maybe, fear.

He roared and ran forward. The two mighty blades clashed together, sending a ripple of force cutting through the unusually still air. Firends and foes were blown back by the sheer force of it.

Then, Legius kicked Dio's shins, a nerve point. He moaned and staggered backwards. He grinned and slahsed at his chest. Blood spilled forward like a stream, not showing signs of stopping.

This would eventually tire out Dio.

Dio then did something unexpected.

He slapped Legius.

This random move took Legius by surprise. Before he could process what had happened, he was hit with the blunt side of Foeslayer on the temple. He crumpled to the ground.

Foeslayer came swishing towards him, almost decapitating him. At the last second, he rolled out of the way.

Then the sword changed trajectory swiftly and slammed into his chest.

Legius screamed. Silver Ichor poured through the wound.

His hands started swirling with red energy.

He slammed a fist at Dio's jaw and stars burst before his eyes. his sword clattered to the floor in front of him.

Legius slammed his foot against Foeslayer and it shattered into pieces.

Dio tried to get up, but a foot trod on his fingers. There was a spontaneous cracking sound as each one of his right fingers were broken. He grunted. He certainly wasn't going to show weakness.

A hand clamped around his throat and said I'm gonna kill your boyfriend.

A primal anger erupted inside him.

He kicked Legius' groin. He groaned. Dio swung his fist hard against The Fallen God's cheek. His cheekbone broke. Legius tried to throw a right hook, but Dio caught it. Another shockwave slammed into the surrounding area.

Then Dio's entire body crackled and hummed with power. A lot of energy was inside his mouth. WAY TOO MUCH.

So he, naturally he puked



The Blue energy vomit streamed out of his mouth and into poor Legius, whose mouth was open.

He screamed and thrashed, tried coughing it out, but nothing worked. The energy vomit was thoroughly stuck inside.

Everyone stopped fighting and silently watched the gruesome puke-fest. Monsters ran outside the grounds in fear, or for the sole reason of puking

Mortals and demigods all ran to the Manor and to the bathroom to puke even more.

The funny thing was, they were fighting for who should use the the bathroom. A few threatened to use guns, while others threatened to launch a catapault through the Manor, and squash them.

A Giant ran into the manor, wanting to use the bathroom since his Monster allies occupied the area outside the Manor, and he couldn't see everyone outing without feeling like vomiting himself.

He went on breaking everything in his wake. He couldn't control it, and puked all over everyone arguing as a warning.

Now He's in Tartarus, wondering what went wrong.

4 minutes later.

Everyone exited the Manor. At this moment Dio stopped vomiting. Legius was killed for good, but the energy vomit still kept coming.

Dio was suddenly split in half, as if an invisible knife cut him into halves. Nico and Donnie, thankfully, did not land on the energy vomit which would've killed them.

But they blacked out.

So I hope you enjoyed the finale to my story. The ending was a bit memey, but hey, whatever.

I really appreciate if you've stuck this far in my fanfiction, so I just want to say thank you.

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