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Betty rushed out of the house leaving the Jones siblings in confusion. She quickly got into the car and sped towards the diner at the centre of the town. She was on phone with Veronica the entire time but didn't speak a word. She parked her car behind the shop so that she wasn't seen and then jogged towards Veronica, who was holding the door open for her. She snuck in and Veronica locked the door behind her.

Betty asked frantically," What do we do? I am freaking out!"

Veronica was seemingly calmer but was just like Betty on the inside. She said," I don't know. They are sitting in a booth right now probably enjoying a meal while formulating a plan to kidnap us or something."

" They aren't the kidnapping type. They'd probably just blackmail us into returning.", Betty said calming down.

Veronica rolled her eyes and said," And that's better how exactly?"

" It isn't but-"

Archie burst into the kitchen where they were standing and softly screamed," Veronica! This isn't the time to gossip! Come back and help me, I am literally drowning in all the orders."

Betty snickered slightly," Dramatic much?"

Archie shot her a friendly but death glare, shutting Betty up. They had gotten closer during the month but only hanged out when Veronica or Jughead was present. 

Veronica sighed and said," Remember how I told you I ran away from home? Well, those are our moms. They probably found out our location as we haven't exactly been on the low. And well now they are here to bring us back to get their stupid perfect reputation."

" Well shit...they are evil.". muttered Archie.

" Yeah, no shit Sherlock", said Betty.

Veronica sighed at their childishness and asked," What do we do?"

" Did they see you when they entered the diner?"

" I don't know...maybe? I mean I did drop a glass on the ground getting half of the customers' attention."

" What if they are partially deaf or something and didn't hear it?", suggested Archie.

" You may be cute but you are extremely dumb.", said Betty.

Veronica sighed for the third time in five minutes and said," Since I am the only mature one here listen up. This is the only plan I've got so far. Archie, you have to be the friendly waiter and say that you haven't seen them around and if they are new here."

" You say that like I am not friendly.", Archie said interrupting.

" Don't interrupt! Anyways then they'll tell you 'yes' and you ask them what brought them here. Hopefully, they'll tell the partial truth at least and well you have to play around with them. Like, ask them if you can help them find us. Don't do that though-"

" Yeah chill. I'm not that dumb."

Betty took this chance to say," Well that's good to know. I at least needed the clarification."

Veronica shook it off and asked Archie," Got it?"

He nodded and Betty said," Hopefully it goes all according to plan."

Archie exited the kitchen to execute the plan while Betty and Veronica were waiting impatiently for him to return. Betty asked in frustration," What's taking him so long?"

" It's been two minutes...why are you being so hard on him?"

" I am not. He's just easy to make fun of and I do not leave such an opportunity."

Veronica chuckled at Betty's statement and then they continued to wait for a little longer. Finally, Archie entered the kitchen again and said," I got the information. They are desperate to get you guys back that they literally said everything. As you said they are looking for you and got information that you guys are here after some club fiasco. What's that about?"

" Let's just say we did stuff that...well we shouldn't have done.", Betty said.

" Yeah no shit. They got pictures of you in the club, drunk as a skunk. Anyways they described the two of you and asked if I could help but I told them I have never seen anyone with that description around town. I think that they think you guys went to the club here only for a day  so maybe they'll be out of here by tomorrow."

Betty then said," Well, that's the first smart thing you did since-"

" What Betty wants to say is that thank you for your help, we really appreciate it.", Veronica said glaring at Betty.

" Well, you should be because your moms are way too scary."

" So they probably didn't see me."

" Okay so that's good. I am tired right now so I am gonna head home. See ya.", said Betty.

" I'll come with you. I don't want them to see me and shit. I'm sorry Arch."

" It's ok, I get it. Hopefully, the people will go soon. I can't bear any more orders."

The girls giggled and bid their goodbyes to him as he did the same. They rode off to their home unaware of what will happen the next day.

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