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The next day Veronica had to go to work because once again they were short of workers at the diner. That being said, their well planned girls day had to be postponed for a few days. Betty on the other hand didn't have work that day so she was free as a bird. At first she thought to stay at home and just watch TV all day but soon got bored and decided to step outside for some fresh air. She roamed around the town realizing that she hadn't gotten the chance to explore each and every inch of the town since she came here. She decided to stop at Pop's before starting her little on foot trip to get a boost. The bell jungled as she walked in and took a seat near the counters. Veronica came outside and smiled even bigger once she saw her best friend sitting at the counter.

" what do I owe this pleasure Miss Cooper? Bored without me?"

" You wish! Just getting an energy snack before exploring every inch of this place."

" Ahhhh so classic Betty Cooper stuff?"

" You got that right."

The girls laughed as Betty ordered some food. They chatted a bit more while she ate but of course Veronica had to go around often to take orders and serve food. Soon it was time for Betty to leave but she couldn't help going into the kitchen and scaring the crap out of Archie, who was playing the role of the head chef today. As usual he was scared for his life and over glazed the doughnut he was glazing. Betty ran before he could say anything and the door jungled that she was out and far gone.

Living in California, she was always near the sand and water. This time all around her were trees, big trees that lead up to the forest. Betty decided to go in the forest as she had never been there before. It was mid August so the whether wasn't extremely pleasant but it was bearable. After about 10 minutes into the forest, Betty got tired and sat on the leaves. She opened the water bottle she took from Pop's and drank almost half the bottle. She took her phone from her pockets and checked the time. It was just 10:10 am, so she decided to rest for a little while longer and go a bit more further to see if there is anything to see inside. Soon she got up from the leafed ground and started walking further in the forest. Soon she came upon a stream. It was really pretty with not much water and big rocks. She took of her shoes and got up on a stone. She stood there, on top of the stone for while and listened to the peaceful sounds of the water gushing down the stream, water gently hitting her legs as they pass by. She then got of the rock and sat on the ground beside. She sat there just thinking about how everything changed in her life and how much peace she's in.

Her mind then suddenly diverted to the argument. Her mother had said about Cheryl. Poor sweet Cheryl. She must be doing awful and much worse was the fact that Betty and Veronica didn't once think about her after they escaped. Betty wanted to save her from that hellhole they call home, but she couldn't figure out how. There was no way they can save her without going there and if they go there they will most probably be seen and recognized by the people. One thing will lead to another and before she knows it, she'll be back in the house of horrors. Maybe if she could get some help, like Jughead and Archie's but then again why drag them into the same old mess. She would have to talk about Veronica about this but for now she just wanted to enjoy her surroundings.

Hours had passed without Betty noticing. Soon enough it was almost 1pm and Betty had to go home for lunch. She followed the trail through which she ce and soon reached near the diner. Once again she didn't feel like walking all the way home so she went back into the diner, opening the door to face not Veronica, but Archie. The moment he noticed her his expression changed from the usual smile to something more mischievous. None of the booths were empty so she went to the counter and sat there looking at the menu. Once again the bell on top of the door jingled and Betty turned back to see a familiar beanie wearing duo. They looked at all directions and then towards Betty and walked towards her.

Jughead spoke," Hey there Betts. Lunch?"

" Yep. It's really crowded in here though."

The two took a seat on both sides of her as she spoke again," Lunch too?"

" Yes and no. We are here to try things for my birthday menu.", JB said cheerfully.

" I'm confused. Your birthday is in like three days and you are just seeing things for the birthday menu?"

" Don't look at me. Look at that procrastinater there.", she said pointing at Jughead.

" Seriously? You procrastinated so much that you have to end up with Pop's food as the birthday food?"

" Hey! What's wrong with the Pop's food?", Archie said coming out of nowhere.

" Just thar fact that it's gonna be cooked by you so it's probably going to taste awful.", said Betty.

" Wait until you try my food. You will never like any other food ever."

" That's probably because all my taste buds are gonna go after eating your food."

" Oh you are going to pay for that!"

" Oh my god...I'm so scared. What are you going to do? Cook your food even more horribly to prove my point right?"

Archie grumbled something under his breath and walked away into the kitchen. As soon as the door swing shut, Jughead and Jellybean burst into laughter causing Betty to burst into a fit too. That caused them to receive a lot of stares and glares but they didn't really care. Soon all three of them ordered but Betty only ordered fries cuz she was dragged into tasting weird items from the menu. These were things that people normally never ordered but JB wanted to try them. The list included Mac&Cheese Burger, Fruit Loops Milkshake, Cheese Doughnut and lot more weird things. Most of them were pretty good but some of them were horrible. It was not only a tasting day but it was also a 'please get this out of the menu' day. Nevertheless JB, Jughead, Archie, Betty and Veronica had fun that afternoon and Betty and Veronica had also received official invites to the 14th birthday of Jellybean Jones.

A/N Yes I'm not dead. I'm very much alive and healthy. It's just the fact that I had forgotten for quite a while that I write Wattpad stories and need to update them. So here you go a Christmas update and I promise I won't take this long of a break anymore. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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