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A/N Just think they are wearing normal Pop's uniform and they are in Pop's.

A month had passed since the dinner and Jellybean and Betty's bond was growing stronger than ever. Jellybean looked up to Betty as a sister figure and Betty looks at Jellybean as the sister she rarely had. The thing was that Betty did have a sister, Polly Cooper. She was the Cooper household's perfect daughter, something Betty never was or wanted to be. Her mother always used to say "You should be more like Polly." and that always frustrated her. She wasn't Polly, she was her own person. Her sister was not much of a help either. Together with her mother and her sister always found things to put her down for. It could be an out of place thing in her room or what she is wearing or even what she's eating, which was the same thing they were eating. Her father used to give her the look of pity but she didn't care. If he actually felt sorry, he would say something. So the minute she left the house, she swore to be done with the family. 

Betty had gotten closer to Jughead a lot also. They seemed to share a lot in common from their high school years. One of the only difference is Betty attended some elite private school which she hated and Jughead went to the town's public high school which he was grateful to even go to, thanks to Archie's father. Veronica and Archie had gotten pretty close too but it was clear they liked each other, not the same for Betty and Jughead. Betty found Jughead really intellectual, sweet and extremely charming, which to Veronica seemed like she had a crush on him but Betty always denied. Veronica always said, "Denial is the first stage to having a crush...everyone knows that." 

To Jughead, Betty was a girl with the heart of gold and was very attractive but Jughead didn't tell anyone about that. He was never good at relationships. In high school, he was a player, in community college he had tried to have a long term relationship but that didn't work out well with his history and after that, he's never had a proper girlfriend because he became pretty busy.

Betty was working today till 8 pm because Jughead had some important meeting with a possible publisher. She didn't mind the extra hours so she just informed Veronica that she will be late. Veronica didn't mind because she had to work late also as it was one of the extremely busy days with less staff at Pops.  

Betty and Jellybean were playing 21 questions and asking each other private and personal questions. To Betty's surprise, Jellybean's private questions were EXTREMELY private but she had no other option other than answering them. It was extremely embarrassing but they had a good laugh. It was time for Betty to ask her last question to Jellybean and she took this opportunity to ask the question that's been bugging her.

" Ok, I have my last question for you. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to but you remember your parents? Like how they were or even looked like?"

Jellybean's laughter died as she got a soft look on her face," I don't remember my parents much. I have seen some pictures and have heard stories from Jug about how nice they used to be."

Betty held Jellybean's hand in hers and asked," So you have no memory at all?"

" I remember this one thing. It was winter and we were in New York for a small family vacation. I was 3 years old and Jug was a 15 years old moody teenager. He didn't want to go into the snow and play with me and so mom was trying to explain something to him. While that was going on, dad was playing with me. I remember throwing a snowball at dad but it missed and hit Jughead. He was shocked first and then made a bigger snowball and hit it to my face making me fall. Then mom and dad joined in and it was this huge snowball fight. That's the only one I remember clearly...", Jellybean said smiling a little.

Betty had tears in her eyes and hugged her tightly. She always complained about having bad parents but here a small child lost her parents and barely remembers them. She can almost see a 4 year old asking her brother where her mom and dad were. It sunk her heart. Right after that, Jughead came into the house with a huge smile and saw the two of them hugging.

He asked," Hey...what's up? Anything happened?"

JB shook it off and said," No nothing. We were just hugging. Can't two people just hug?"

" Damn ok, chill. I was just asking."

Betty noticed Jughead's happy mood and asked," What's gotten you so happy?"

Jughead's smile grew bigger if that was even possible and said," My first book is going to get published!"

JB's smile matched Jughead's as she jumped up and hugged him. Betty stood aside and congratulated him. She then packed her things and bid goodbye to the two of them and was almost ready to leave when she got a call.

Back at Pop's, Archie and Veronica were serving everyone food when the doorbell jingled. The two of them looked back to see who it was and saw two women, one blonde and one raven, both in their 40's walk in. Veronica's mouth dropped as the glass of water she was holding dropped to the floor. She quickly ran to the back of the diner in the kitchen and called Betty.

She picked up almost instantly and Veronica said," They're here..."

A/N Yay! I created unwanted drama. Also if you have any suggestions for what you want me to show in this story please let me know.

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