sgetober twenty seven: the coven

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Things haven't been right with the three of them for a while. Most of senior year, actually.

Dot feels like they've grown up while she's stayed the same, and they're talking about college letters and apartments while Dot is obsessing over her Animal Crossing island and saving up to get her hair dyed.

But tradition takes no notice of impending change or awkwardness, so on October twenty seventh, four days before Halloween, Dot makes her way up Hesters driveway with an overnight bag. They leave the door unlocked, as if Dot still feels like Hester's house is homelike. Maybe for Anadil (definitely for Anadil), but it's been too long for her.

It's still a bit surprising to see Hester's tattoo. It's been there for a few months, but it's still strange. Hester's so much more mature than Dot. They both are. When did they decide to grow up without telling Dot?

She never got the chance to ask Hester what the demon means

"Oh, I love this part," Hester says, a delighted look on her face.

"You love all the parts." Dot comments.

"It is my favorite movie." Hester says, as if they didn't know. As if Dot didn't buy her the directors cut for her birthday. As if she needs to be caught up on the last four years.

Maybe Dot just needs to chill out.

One of Hester's favorite movies is Halloween IV. It's not as good as the other three, and Dot doesn't understand any part of it. Why can't the killer just stay dead? On the other hand, Hester's other favorite movie is Jennifer's Body. Can you see the recurring theme?

A woman with wild eighties hair is stabbed clean through. Hester cackles at the fake pink blood that splays. Dot looks at Anadil who's tapping on her phone. Usually they'd share funny looks whenever Hester is... well Hester, but she's been on her phone the whole night. Dot wonders if she's texting Hester and that's why she feels so left out.

"Hey Hester, do me a favor and skip to the ending? I really like that part." Anadil says. Dot grins, despite herself.

"Ending. Ending." Dot starts to chant. She pulls at the blanket the three were sharing. Hester somehow slithered to the floor so she can lean against Anadils legs.

Hester turns the volume louder and looks smug when the two are tuned out. Dot's ears are ringing, Anadil just stops because it's Hester's birthday, and she's a good girlfriend. She ultimately means nothing by it and it annoys Dot.

"Wanna play eight ball?" Anadil hollers to Dot over the sweltering music.

"Yes!" Dot, a little quieter but still enthusiastic, pulling out her phone.

Anadil wins. They keep playing until Hester skips the boring detective stuff, "because they asked, not just because it was boring her!" She leaves to go to the bathroom.

"I'm tired." Dot yawns. She stands up and stretches, fingertips barely skirting the ceiling. "It's like 3 AM."

"Is it?" Anadil leans across the bed to look at her charging phone. "Yikes. At least tomorrow's Sunday."

Maybe she should take a shower and wait for the other two to fall asleep. She doesn't sleep so good at other people's houses anyways, and Hester and Anadil will probably sleep in Hester's bed together, so Dot will be assigned to the couch in the loft and when they wake up they'll just assume she left early. When Hester comes back she stoops over to give Anadil a kiss and Dot excuses herself to slump against the bathroom wall, confused.

She feels all weird and torn up. She means, she has no desire to leave. She used to live for these sleepovers. It's not like she's staying in the bathroom to avoid her friends. Dot just feels... lost. She usually doesn't mind pda, no, all her friends are always dating and falling in love, but ever since Kei, she's just been wary of it.

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