sgetober day nineteen: clumps

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au: everyone is alive and happy.

thank the sge fandom on tumblr for this, i was planning on writing angst >:) but they could ask me to write jaric and i'd comply (they wouldn't though aha don't worry)


"I'm sorry, what's the issue again?" Chaddick asks Tedros, dodging his parry and responding with a side sweep.

Tedros steps aside, bending to dodge it. "What do you get for the queen who has everything?"

"A nice backrub." Beatrix suggests from the side, sharpening her sword with a scary precision.

"Agatha has access to the knights chiropractors for that." Tedros protests, as their blades meet. Him and Chaddick press forward with equal strength.

"I don't know, I'd rather get one from Reena. It'd mean more, you know what I mean?"

"I don't know, I've never gotten a backrub from Reena." Tedros says, making Beatrix laugh, setting her sword on the fountain side next to her. "And you never will!"

"Maybe some apple tarts. Gave Nick some a few weeks ago and he liked them a lot, if you catch my drif-" Chaddick starts, waggling his eyebrows.

"Dude, shut up!" Tedros says, half laughing and wrinkling his nose. Chaddick gains the upper hand, so Tedros ducks under his arm and slaps him on the behind with his rapier. Chaddick yelps and falls.

Beatrix claps and jeers at a grumbling Chaddick while Tedros' attention is caught by the two women walking over to the clearing through the garden hedges. "Hey Agatha! Did you see that?"

"Sadly, I was distracted." Agatha says, faking innocence on Sophie's arm, hobbling a bit. "What was it?"

"She was distracted by you." Sophie says, making Agatha gasp and hit her with her robes.

Tedros grins and leans in for a kiss. "Some sugar, love?"

"Ew, you're sweaty." Agatha says, pushing his chest away. She gives him a chaste kiss anyway, grinning against his lips.

"Ew." Sophie says disinterestedly, and goes over to talk to Beatrix, who's trying to get Chaddick to duel with her.

"And how are you this fine morning?" Tedros asks, pulling a shirt and leaving the laces undone.

"I'm doing well. I got a letter saying Hester and Anadil are going to arrive tomorrow." Agatha says, with as little enthusiasm one can muster when the subject is one's twentieth birthday.

"That's great! On a completely unrelated note, we put them in the west wing, right?" Tedros asks, lowering his voice.

Agatha laughs. "Yes, per your request. Sadly, the seating chart has Hester right next to you for the feast. And I'm at the other side of the table. All the way at the bottom."

"You better be kidding with me." Tedros tells her. Agatha just shrugs playfully. "Are you sure that's all you want to do?"

Agatha shrugs. "Maybe lunch in the garden. A picnic! That'd be nice." She sways for a minute before regaining her balance. "Somewhere we can sit and relax."

Watching her thumb the blue bellflowers, Tedros heart soars. He wants to give her everything. He wants to sing a million ballads and songs and take her hand and never leave her, watch her laugh and smile and talk, to brush that lock of hair out of her face just so her brown eyes look at him with that look of love and expersation she's patented, to stay by her side until she says. To love her until. He wants her to feel loved like he does when he's with her. Tomorrow has to be good enough.

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