Chapter 10

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Liam's POV

I held Belle close and that's how she stayed. I knew she was asleep because you could hear her faint mumbling of incoherent words as she talks in her sleep and you could see the rhythmic breathing as her chest falls up and down. She looked so peaceful. She snuggled closer every so often as she was sleeping and I couldn't help but smile. This is what I thought about when I was coming back. To hold my baby sister again. All I wanted was to feel like the perfect big brither I never was and probably never will be. I was cradling her with her head on my chest because she always fell asleep to a steady heartbeat.

"Liam?" I looked up to see Nick

"Yeah." I replied still looking at Bella.

"The guys said they were coming." Crap! I forgot!

"Ugh what are we going to do? Me and Bella are stuck here for another day or atleast until tonight." I was trying to think about what to do.

"Well...Maybe I could get them to put their stuff in the guestroom at your house then come back here?"

"Yeah I guess. Where are they exactly?"

"They are a half hour away."

"Can you text them my address and then meet them there. The guest room is upstairs right in front of the stairs. The one to the right is my mother's" I guess they can just set up in there and one of them might be able to stay maybe in the finished basement if they don't want to share.

"Okay Liam I'm going to head to the house and set up." He turned around.

"Thanks Nick." He waved me off.

I held Belle closer again and leaned my head onto her shoulder.

"Please just remember I'll love you forever and always." I sang in her ears.

I fell asleep her head on my shoulder and my head on hers. 

Bella's POV

I felt fine with Liam holding me protectively and I faintly remember Liam singing in my ear our favorite song "Forever and Always" by Parachute. I smiled to myself as I looked up to Liam and flopped his head back onto the pillow. He was mumbling some of his incoherent words as he slept. One of the things we have in common, we sleep talk. I giggled and he had a huge smile on his face even though he's sleeping. His steady breathing and strong heart beat were reassuring that he was just fine and so was I. We have always had this thing that if one of us is sad so isn't the other. If one of us was happy we made the other happy. We have always tried to cheer each other up since I could remember and I guess we still did.

"Liam." I said quietly.

"Liam." I got a little louder.

"Liam." I poked his cheek.

"Liam!" I got flustered so I resorted to shaking him.

"Huh?--- Wha..." He was mumbling and rubbing his eyes slightly letting go of me and sitting up.

"Liam will you get up and press the button for the nurse I'm hungry and want to leave." I said and he just nodded and pressed the button on his side of the bed.

"Just wait a minute and she'll come in." He layed his head down seming exhausted.

"Okay you going to sleep?"

"Uh well not really just still tired waiting for food." He was still rubbing the sleepiness out of his eye.

"Mmkay" I layed down on his shoulder again next to him.

"You're cold." He said touching my arm to see it felt like ice.

"Yeah I just noticed actually." I took up the corner of the blanket and got under it.

"C'mere." I got closer to him and tried to get warm quicker.

We just layed down for five minutes 'til the nurse came. She put our food in front of us and gave us a look for being in the same bed when there was an empty one.

"I was cold." I said hoping that it was a good enough excuse.

"It's okay, but when the doctor comes atleast pretend you were in your bed." She said and left.

"Okay I'm eating."Liam said shoving half of his plate in his face.

"Same" I giggled.

****************_____________________*********************** Couple hours later*

"LIam can we go yet?" I asked for the billionth time.

"Bella, when the doctor comes in he'll tell us." He laughed.

"Liam is the doctor coming in?" I asked this questioun a lot too.

"I don't know!" He said then buried his face in his pillow and covered his ears so he can't hear my questions any more.

"Liam, why are you ignoring me?" He didn't hear me so I started saying random words getting louder each time.

"Unicorns!.......Liam Penny ate your sock!..........Penny you're in trouble!..............Liam Penny's pet person is eating your food!............Liam can I call your friends to see if they'll kidnap me?..............If you say something it's a no and if you're silent it's a yes......................It's a yes!....................YAY! I get to go and you don't!..............Because I'm gonna be kidnapped!" I got his phone and got to Nick's number. 

"Liam, Nick and your friends are gonna kidnap me. Is that all right?" I tapped his shoulder.

"What did you say Bella?" He looked confused. I think he heard me... Darn it!

"Nick and your friends are going to kidnap me because I asked them to." I said.

"Bella they're not going to kidnap you. Just wait for the doctor."

"But LIam they're coming for me."

"No they can't kidnap you because they know you."

"But Liam Penny ate your sock and her pet person ate your food." I said explaining your story.

"What the heck are you talking about?"

"That all happened when you weren't paying attention. I was saying random things and that's what I said."

"Bella the doctor's coming so sit in your bed." I went to the bed and sat down.

"So Isabella and Liam Anderson?"

"Yes" we both said them laughed.

"Well you're free to go."

"YAY!" I said jumped up and grabbed my packed bag and Liam's

"Okay Let's go!" I said and dragged Liam as he laughed at my urgency.

When we got outside we saw Nick and a couple of other people get out of a car and get back in as we jumped in the car and headed home.

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