A single wish

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I spent my last day roaming around aimlessly in the town . I didn't know what else to do , all the hope I once had was torn apart. Even as I sit here waiting for my final moments to come , I can't help but feel devastated and depressed. It's only 5 minutes till midnight,  and surprisingly there wasn't a single person out tonight.  Kinda ironic wouldn't you say , a person that was born with nothing is gonna die with nothing. Is god real ? Why should I believe in god , what has he given me? If he is real then why , do I always end up alone , why did I have to spend years suffering? How can I possibly believe in such a thing yet I don't want to stop believing.  I don't understand anything anymore. I stared at the moon , just 2 more minutes and this bad dream will end. All my pain and suffering will finally be lifted off of me. There's  1 minute left , why does time seem to take so long . I think I would probably have felt better if I didn't know I was gonna die today. Then i wouldn't feel so uneasy,  i........ I felt so tired , maybe it's true what they say about death. It's just a deep sleep that will last forever . Then I heard a voice , hiro what is your final wish ? A wish I said trying to keep my eyes open. Yes, a wish said the unknown voice. I don't have any I said back. I can see all your hatred hiro , you can't hide your feelings from me. You can finally let it all out , you can make the people who have wronged you,  who abandoned you , forever be cursed . Have them suffer the same burden you had to said the voice. I guess you're right , it's only fair , so I'll tell you my last wish. I took a deep breath and said if there is really a god , grant this one final wish, protect all those who have wronged me and help them  find happiness in life. I never found anything permanent but I was glad to have met them . And now that I remember them I don't ever want them to feel this bad , this pain , this misery, not ever. God please grant this selfish wish , I know I'll be forgotten so I want something that'll last a entirety. Give this cruel world hope again , let those who had suffered,  feel loved again , let those who were born alone find someone to have fun with. I said softly. The voice laughed a bit, I didn't think you'll wish for something so kind hiro. I felt a gentle pat , you can finally rest hiro , you no longer need to worry about anything. My eyes slowly closed as I managed to say my final words. Thank you......

Thanks for reading somewhere in time,  sorry it took long to post this chapter,  like always  hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll do my best to update as soon as possible, till next time

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