Ending B

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Ashlyn? She's on the raft? How did she get here? Is she infected? If she's infected, then it was my fault. I might've killed her. I can't let her die. Not here.

"Give me that." I groan, taking the apple. It was bitter, I kind of missed the way V.F.D. made everything bitter. The second it slipped down my throat, the fungus cleared. Carefully I staggered to my feet and began to walk.

"That looks bad. Klaus said looking at the blood-stained cloth around my wound.

"I've been worse," I reassured him giving the apple back.


At some point, I had fallen asleep next to Kit and I began to wake when I saw a shadow standing over me and a vaguely familiar smell filled my nostrils.

"Hello, hello, hello." A voice said gently. Olaf. My eyes immediately snapped open in surprise, desperately hoping I hadn't imagined it.

The light was bright, and my vision was blurry but when they finally focused...it was him.

"Hello." I beamed, feeling tears well up as I gazed at the man leaning over me.

"Did you miss me?" He asked leaning closer to me.

"Of course, you idiot." I murmured against his lips before closing the gap between us. One of my hands reached up to his cheek while the other helped prop me up slightly.

There was a small cough from beside us. I pulled away from Olaf to see my siblings awkwardly beside Kit.

"Sorry, you don't want to see your sister kissing anyone." I chuckled.

"Not really." Violet shook her head.


"Right come on let get you back to shore." Olaf sighed, going to pick me up.

"No!" Klaus said quickly, "You take Kit, we'll help Ashlyn."

"We can't carry Kit," Violet explained.

"Fine, whatever gets us all to shore quickest." Olaf sighed, shuffling over to the still unconscious Kit. That's when I noticed it. The big crimson patch on his shirt.

"What the hell happened to you?" I gasped.

"It's nothing, just a little harpoon wound." He shrugged.

"Nothing? That's not –" I tried to protest.

"It's alright dear, we'll talk about it when you're safe." Olaf shushed, picking up Kit.

"Are you okay to climb down?" Violet asked.

"Yeah, you two go down first so you're there if I fall," I said with a smile as I carefully shuffled myself towards the edge of the book raft.

"Okay." Klaus nodded as they began to descend. Slowly, I turned myself around so that I was able to carefully climb down, trying not to use my broken leg. "Are you okay?" Klaus asked.

"Mmhm." I nodded as my arms shook with the effort. I wasn't far from the ground, two more steps maybe.

As soon as my foot touched the sand, Violet was at my side.

"Thank you." I sighed with a smile as I used her shoulder as support. "Come on."

"This way, there's still a bit of the path above water," Klaus said.

"Ok." I nodded letting him lead the way as Violet helped me hop back to the main island. As soon as we reached it, I sat down, not trusting myself to stand up for any longer without falling over.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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