Chapter 8 - Lucky Escape

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The next day I am hanging out with Harry, Hermione and Ron.

We've not had the opportunity to hang out much outside of class.

"So I heard the Slytherin common room was lively last night." Harry says while throwing stones into the lake.

"Mmmmm yeah it was quite a party. I didn't stay long but I know Poppy and Charity had a great time." When I got up this morning both girls were in their beds. I could of sworn I saw a hickey on Charity's neck. I wonder if Blaise gave her it.

I heard some laughing and looked over my shoulder to see Pansy and some of the other girls in Slytherin.

"She's such a baby you should have seen her last night crying. No wonder Draco picked me instead." My hand balled into a fist.

"That Pansy Parkinson is a right bitch." Hermione said. "Sounds like whoever the girl was had a lucky escape.  If he picked Pansy instead of her."

"Yeah, sounds like she had a lucky escape." Of course Hermione had no idea the other girl was me. No one did and I intended to keep it that way.

"Anyway I have to go. I've got a meeting with Snape. He wants to check how I am settling in." Every Sunday Severus and I had a quick catch up to see how I was doing. It was nice to spend a bit of time with him outside of the classroom.

"Don't let him push you around." Harry had expressed to me how he wasn't Severus's favourite and the feeling was mutual.

I waved to the three of them and trudged back up to the castle. The air was crisp and I pulled my hat further down. It was only a few weeks and it would be Halloween. Every Halloween there's a big feast and then house parties where dressing up is mandatory. I was looking forward to it.

I knocked on the door to Severus's room.

"Enter" he said. He was sitting at his desk. Looking at obviously something important. He always looked like he had a lot on his mind.

"Casandra, come in and take a seat." I walked in and sat down.

"You look tired. Were you at the party last night?" You would be tired too after the night I had I thought.

"Party, yes I was there for a little bit but I didn't want to stay long. It's not really my thing." Severus gave me a quizzical look.

"Of course you aren't supposed to have parties but I can overlook it since it is my house and they were celebrating their win at the quidditch match. Draco did well yesterday." I nodded in agreement.

"Anyway how are you doing? Enjoying being the DADA professor?" From what I heard Severus had been after the defence against the dark arts job for years. When Professor Slughorn came back he became potions master and Severus got the DADA job.

"Some of the students have more talent than others but they can't all be like you Casandra." When Severus heard about how well I was doing in school he almost smiled.

"Slughorn says you have a particular gift for potions." It's probably more likely because I sit with Hermione.

We chatted back and forth for a while longer and then I made my excuses to go down to the Great Hall for dinner.


I hadn't seen Casandra at all today. I was currently sitting in the Great Hall with a plate full of food in front of me.

"I am telling you she is wild. She couldn't keep her hands off of me." Blaise was talking about his latest conquest.

I looked over to the entrance and in walked Casandra.

"Casandra over here." Her friends waved to her. On the way over she said a quick hello to Luna Lovegood. She's a strange girl. Always speaking about some magical creatures or something.

I couldn't tell what her and her friends were talking about but I could see Charity kept looking down the table to Blaise. Casandra glanced down and we made eye contact for a split second before she looked away.

I stood up and started to walk away.

"Draco you haven't touched your food." Blaise gave me a concerned look.

"I'm not hungry." I walked past Casandra and her friends. She was laughing at something they said. She looked so happy and carefree. I needed to stay away from this girl. She doesn't need my complicated life ruining hers.

I walked along the corridors until I came to the room of requirement. I had been working in here in secret every since we came back to Hogwarts. Inside there is a vanishing cabinet I am fixing it so it can be used as part of my mission. My mission was the only thing that mattered now. Nothing can stand in my way.

It's a bit of a shorter one this time but the next few are longer. I hope you are enjoying them Claire x

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