Chapter 6

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All day been adventurous. He led me into our old attic. You ask how can that be romantic? Well.., he arrange things around and set up a mini massage parlor. I was surspise to see someone up there. After that the gentleman hand me a slip. Not surspise to see more riddles.

I trying to make things right
If only you feel the same
So i got you something that's a little tight
But it would put everyone else to shame
Search hard with all your might
And I swear you won't be disappointed with this game!
Ps. Find your clothes for tonight!

After a relaxing day I have go hunt. Signing loudly I went down stairs. Where could it be? He didn't even give me a clue. The size of is going take me forever to find it. I flop in the nearest couch. I look around my surrounding when my eyes started to slump. It wouldn't hurt to close my eyes for a second....(few hours later)

Bolting upright I glance at the window. Darkness stare back at me. I frown. It's not possible to be that late. Glancing at the DVD player time it was 20:48. It was 8:48. You mean I slept for 3 and half hours! Jumping up I realize he should be on his way. The clothes must have pity me because when I flick on the lights arrow signs pointed towards my room. How on earth it get there? Following my new leader I was soon led to the closet. On the highest shelf possible was an evening gown with sparking silver heels. The dress had a deep V in the back with an oval shape around the breast. A see through material was over the oval shape. Now why would he give me white knowing what a clutz I am. Shaking out the dress for a better look a note topple to the floor. Not again!

Un wrinkling the paper I read it.
What is a outfit without jewelry?

Still clothes i snorted to myself.

Well to top it of reach your hand further back there to reach the most important prize of tonight.

Short people need to stop getting themselves in these kind of situations. Pulling the cushion from the vanity table I bought it in front of the closet. Did I mention its on the highest rack? And then in the back of the highest rack. Shaking my head I stood on my tippy toes and try to reach. Bubbles of swear try to pierce my skin. Stopping myself I huff and puff for a couple of minutes. Trying again my grunts echo throughout the room.

"Let me help you out with that."

Spinning around so fast I almost fell off the chair. Holding my chest I started to heave.

"Now you know you are wrong for that." I panted as my response I got a wink and a million dollar smile.

"Like I said before do you need help."

"Why are you in my room?"the mystery guest frowned.

"My brother told me to come pick his girlfriend up for our double date."


"Yea, two boys who came from the same mother and father or it can be mother and another man or father and another woman or step-"

"I know." He wink again.

"I didn't think our encounter wasn't going to be like this." As he observe my thin silk robe. I hug it closer to my body. He stare at me in hunger.

"Can you please give me a moment."

" sure thing" he walk over to my bed and sat down.

"Um outside the room as you can see I'm in the process of getting dress."
He smirk at me.

"It didn't seem like it when you were grunting and carrying on."he laughed. "Best you ever had huh?"

"Screw you!"

"Out!"I pointed towards the door. He sat there a tad longer then he should have. Slowly he glided towards the door. At the last minute he turned around walk to my closet reach with ease in the back and grab the black satin box. He held out the box towards me. I grab it silently and utter a thank you. He nodded and left without a single word.


Hello lovies!
I know it been a while but here it is. I will try to keep doing them sooner.
Who do you think is the guy who show up? Comment let me know


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