Chapter Two-The application

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Chapter Two-The application

My daily life was not too eventful, almost everyday I just took care of my little sisters Mary and Katie. We didn’t have enough money to send them to a proper school so I was left to teach them everything that my mother taught me. Most days went by in a blur, but not today. Today I had to face my father about the application. I knew that he would make me apply because he assumed that I didn’t have a boyfriend.

Finally the moment came, my dad walked through the door with Adam following closely behind him.

“ Hi papa!” both Mary and Katie said as they ran up to him

“ Hello children!” he replied to them

“ Hi father.” I said letting him kiss me on the cheek

“ Hi princess!” We proceeded to go sit down and start dinner, roasted chicken with wild rice that the twins had helped me make.

“ How was the shop today” I asked my father and brother

“ It was fine.” my father replied “ Sage did you see what came for you in the mail?”

“ Oh ya I did.” I replied

“ Well let me just say that I think this would be a very good opportunity for-” my father started

“ For who? You? Or me?” I cut in

“ You of course why would this be an opportunity for me?” he asked

“ I just think that, you only want me to enter so you can get the money from the king.” I snapped. I knew Liam wanted me to enter but knowing that there was a possibility that he got me somthing,had washed all memories of the conversion away.

“ Why would you say that Sage?” my father said

“ Did I ever come across as the girl who wanted to marry for status? No, I don’t want to compete for a prince, even if he is good looking! I don’t want that life father!” I shouted

“ SAGE! You will not speak to me in that manner! You are entering in this contest because we are going broke!” he yelled

The whole room fell silent, the reality of what my father had just said crashed down. This was too much I got up and ran to my room and sat down on the bed. The tears came down in buckets, why was everything going wrong all over a piece of paper. It wasn’t fair, I was in love but because of that piece of paper I could possibly have to forget about Liam and pretend to love Prince Niall.

After about 15 minutes of solitude Adam came in and wrapped his arms around me. This made me cry even more

“ You love him don’t you?” he asked

“ What?” I said

“ You love him don’t you? Liam, thats why you sneak out every other night.”

“ Um, ya, Adam I don’t want to do this.” I sobbed

“ I know it’s going to be hard but you need to, it will help everyone” he said as he played with my brown hair. “ Just enter, you might not even get picked, then we can tell father about Liam.”

“ And if I do get picked?” I asked  

“ Well...” he pondered “ Lets look at this logically, if you get picked so will 24 other girls then try to win but not too hard.”

“ But, thats not fair to the other girls who really want it.” I started

“ Sage, half the girls don’t want Niall to love them, they just want his money!”

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