Chapter 10- The attack

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Chapter 10- The attack

It had been two months since I had been sent to the palace, only 12 girls were left. Taylor and I, then there were Haley, Megan, Ariel, Daisy, Victoria, Jo, Rachel, Lila, Wendy, and Bridget. Hayley, Victoria, Rachel, and Wendy still had not gotten a date with Niall yet so they were alway talking to him at dinner, giving him big smiles that made me want to vomit.

Daisy and Ariel were sweet but they got easily scared by the competition. Jo, Bridget and Lila were they annoying rich kids, they were 2’s so they were used to having a life of luxury.  Lila was the leader of their little clique and she hate me, I guess because I had the most “dates” with Niall.  

In truth they were not dates at all well most of the time, most of the time we would just talk about random stuff. He seemed really intrigued about how I lived my life before coming to the palace.

I tried to forces of the good things about being a 5 because I didn't want to offend him by complain about all the nights were we didn’t have enough to eat or how we didn’t get paid like we should.  

Then, there were the other times where the camera would be following us and we would have to act like we were in love.

One time we went horseback riding and once the camera left , Niall told me to stop riding side-saddle because I looked so uncomfortable.

Later that night I was the footage for him and I together and I imagined the twins squealing with delight and Adam laughing at them. Then I thought of Liam, he was probably with his other girl not thinking about me, well that was fine with me...not really.

It was a bright and sunny saturday and I was in a white and red polka dot sundress talking to Taylor about old television shows that we had seen,

“ I still don’t understand how Sherlock survived.” Taylor said with a sigh

“ Okay, you know when he jumps he lands in the Garbage truck instead of hitting the ground. Also Molly gives him a fake body so everyone thinks he is dead.” I replied  

“ Ohhh” Taylor said

All of a sudden there was the sound to gunshots and some the windows broke. All 12 of us ducked down the the floor, Daisy and Ariel were hiding under a table.

Niall ran in all his brothers, they went over to the windows and pulled down iron shades to prevent anymore bullets from entering. Some girls were crying and huddled in corners, Niall came up to us and said,

“ What do I do? What do you do with crying girls?” he asked looking me

Taylor and I laughed, this caused Lila to glare at us,

“ Pat them on the back at tell them it’s going to be okay” I told him

“ Like this!” Taylor said going over to Daisy and Patting her on the back

I noticed Harry’s eyes follow Taylor across the room, did he like her? Was that even allowed?

“ Now you go try!” I told Niall point to a distressed Ariel who was in the corner.

He left and his older brother came up to me and said

“ You know he really likes you.”

I was taken aback Niall and I were just friends I replied saying

“ How do you know?”

He let out a laugh saying “ Trust me he never shuts up about you, it’s Sage this and Sage that.”

I let out a smile, I guess Niall did like me and no matter how hard I tried to tell myself otherwise, I liked him to.

I looked over to see Harry talking to Taylor,

“ Do you know anything about Harry and Taylor?”  I asked Zayn

“ They only thing I know is that Harry likes her. He’s really not supposed to but Niall seems to not mind he has his heart set on someone else.” he gave me a wink “ But Louis is really ticked at Harry when he talks to her because I think she can get into trouble if she gets caught with him...”

Ariel had recoved herself and Niall returned to talk to me. Zayn gave Niall and I a wink and left to go talk to Louis.

" Hi" I said cheerfuly

" Hello, so you can torrate my brother?" He asked me

" Ya, he's nice, you and all of your brothers seem really close."

" We are, Zayn and I are really close seeing as were the adopted ones."

" Oh...Ya." I said slighly taken aback. I had never made the concetion that Niall and Zayn were adopted. I should of they looked nothing like thier parents or Harry and Louis.

" You didn't realise, did you." Niall said

" I Just never made the conection." I replied with a smile

" It's okay not many people do, they think it's rude to ask."

  There was a crash and the doors flew wide open, 20 masked men came in holding guns.

  Harry flung his arm protecivly around Taylor, Niall had done the same but he had forced me to duck down with him.

All the girls screamed, except for me, I was thinking of a way to stop the men, but there were 20 of them and 17 of us, and 10 of us were girls who refused to do anything as long as it wouldn't chip their nails.

    This was not looking good. 

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