Chapter 9- Allies

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I woke up to the sound of Kenzie drawing my bath. I rolled out of my bed not fully awake. I wasn't sure why I was so tired, at home I would get up at six every morning, and I was 8. I washed myself and Christy put my hair into a braid going down my back. I picked out a flowery dress and cream flats. Genevieve explained how we were going to go down, have breakfast,  and be taught a lesson by Ms. Drake.

Ms. Drake scares me, she has hawk like eyes that never seem to blink, and you feel like prey when she looks at you. I told my maids how I felt about her and Kenzie said

“ Well you don’t have to put up with her staring at you when you’re cleaning!”

We all laughed as I left my room to go down to where I had dinner last night. I passed the entrance to the garden, and that same feeling came back.

cut it out! I told myself

I arrived at the doors to the dining room, I met up with Taylor and Julia who were chatting animatedly.

“ Morning!” I said

“ Hey!” Taylor and Julia replied in unison

“ Ready to learn how to be royal?” I asked

“  As ready as I’ll ever be.” Julia smiled

The double doors opened and revealed 25 individual tables each with an elaborate breakfast. At the front of the room stood Ms.Drake look very frightening. We all filed in and each sat at our own tables. Julia, Taylor and I sat in a row of three. Once we all had taken a seat, Ms. Drake started to teach about proper eating skills.

I was the most boring lesson that I had ever experienced in my life. Ms. Drake spoke in the same monotone voice throughout the whole thing. Also, my mother had already taught me everything that  Ms. Drake coved, which added to the boredom. Then when I had completely gone into a fog and was not listening, I was brought back to reality when the double doors open and in stepped Niall.

Many of the girls had slight panic attacks, one girl in front of me, I think her name was Catherine, let out a slight squeak. Most of the others put on bright smiles, and smoothed out their skirts. I saw Niall glance over in my direction and he had a slight eye twitch, I guess it was an attempt at a wink. Ms.Drake looked up from her table and stopped talking at the sight of Niall.

“ Oh! Your Highness, is it that time already? I must have run over talking to the girls.” she blushed

“ It’s not a problem Ms.Drake, but I would like this time to meet with the girls individually.” he said

“ Girls, Niall is going to meet with you individually, so he can get to know you.” Ms, Drake said as if we didn’t hear there convection that Niall and she just had.

Niall went into the other room, and the first girl with long flowing blond hair walked in with complete confidence. The room went abuzz, most girls were helping each other fix hair or makeup. I helped Taylor and Julia fix their hair, and Julia re-braided my hair to make it look less messy.

As each girl came out, the one next to her went in. As the line got closer and closer to me, the feeling came back along with panic. I knew I had an advantage because Niall knew me, well we were allies.

Finally it was my turn, it got up  and walked nervously into the room. Niall smiled at me and said

“ Well, here comes my ally!”

“ Be quiet.” I smiled

“ What’s the dirt on the other girls?”

“ Niall it’s like 9 the only girls I have met are Taylor and Julia!” I laughed

“ Well tell me about them?”

“ They’re nice, nothing really scandalous on them.”

“ Oh, okay! So I have a question for you? Why didn’t want to come, and then why did you?”

“ Well, my dad made me enter, but I didn’t...for certain reasons...and then something happened and I never got a chance to clear things up before I left, so now I’m here.”

“ Let me guess....secret boyfriend, couldn’t tell your dad, so you entered and you thought that you would get picked but you did. Then he got mad and broke it off, and called you a cheater. You never got to explain.” he stated

“ Ya close enough. How did you know?” I sighed

“ There was a girl like you when Zayn was getting married”

“ Oh”

“ Well, I guess I better go meet the rest!” he said abruptly

“ Okay bye” I said leaving the room

After every girl had met with Niall he joined us, everyone fell silent waiting to hear him speak.

“ Thank you all for you patience. If I asked you to stay in this room after we talk please stay, if not please follow Ms.Drake into the womens room. Both Taylor and I rose but Julia stayed seated. I looked back at her nervously and she smiled in return. Taylor and I followed into the next room. The walls were a soft pink and the furniture was a soft cream. There were books lining one wall.

Niall soon rendered, but none of the other girls followed. A girl with long black hair named Sara asked

“ Where are the other girls?”

“ I’m sorry to say that they have been sent home”he replied

I stood there shocked, what did they do to get sent home already? Taylor seemed really upset, Julia, her best friend is already gone.

How close was I from the ax?

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