Chapter 8- The Boy with the blue eyes

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My maids lead me up 2 flights of marble stairs where my bedroom was. I was completely taken aback when they opened the door. It was beautiful, there was a fireplace along with a sitting area, and was were gold to go with the furniture. Everything was so elaborate I felt out of place, like I didn’t belong. How did a 5 end up in a place like this? I opened the closet to change out of my dinner clothes and all I saw were dresses, lots and lots dresses. I slipped into a blue nightgown that was the only one not made of silk. I then let my hair down and re- braided it into a side braid. Genevieve came carrying a large box of my things.

“ Here is the things that you brought with you.” she said placing the box on my bed

I ran over searching for one thing, my sketchbook. It was black and battered, my father had always offered to get me a new one but I didn’t want another one. My mother had gotten this for me when I was eight, it was her last birthday present to me. There were so many extra pages added, the book would soon burst. I looked at the clock, it was only Seven I still had an hour before I had to be back here. From my window I could see a garden, in the center was a bench that looked closed off, perfect seclusion. I put on a pair of flats and walked down the stairs to the door where the garden was. I found the place easily but the real trouble was getting in it, the walls enclosing it was covered in ivy. I felt around and then I found a door handle.  I let myself in and sat down on the bench. Opening to a fresh page in my sketchbook I started to draw the flowers growing amongst the ivy. About half way in, the door to the secret place opened, in stepped Niall.

My heart stopped, this was his place. I could feel my heart pounding my pencil had rolled under the bench. He had stopped and look at me for a second

“ I’m so sorry, I will leave.” I managed to get out

“ Oh, no it’s fine.” he said

I was still standing holding my battered sketchbook. He looked at it and said

“ So, you draw?”

“ Oh, ya. I was drawing the flowers in here.” I replied

“ Can I see?” he asked

I handed him the book. He studied the delicate hand strokes that I had made before he interrupted.

“ This is fantastic! You are really good!” he said

I looked up and smiled at him. He had bright blue eyes, and blond hair that was in contrast to all his brothers.

“ What’s your name, love?” he asked

“ Sage...” I replied

“ So where are you from?”

“ I’m from the small town in the north, it call stafford”

“ Oh, I see!”

I looked down at me feet thinking about everything I left there, Liam, the twins, Adam. Now I’m here, with what, everything a girl dreams of, except me. I was happy with my life where it was, now this competition has to turn my world upside down. I didn’t blame Niall, it wasn’t his fault but I was not going to pretend to love him.

“ Can I be honest with you?” I sighed

“ Of course, love.” he replied

“ First, I’m not your love, I don’t even want to be here! I was happy with my life before all of this.” I snapped “ But, I know this is going to be difficult for you so, I think it would be smart if you had an ally.” I said calming down

“ An ally?” he asked

“ You know, someone to give you the inside scoop of what the girls are really like.”

“ Oh, to see what they are like when they aren't trying to impress me.” he realised

“ Exactly!” I said

“ I will take you on that offer, it will be nice to have one less girl to call love, or darling!” he sighed

“Trust me, you don’t need to do that.” I noticed it was getting dark,it look like it was close to eight, so I needed to be in my room soon. “ It looks like it’s almost eight, I should go.” I got up to leave, Niall stood up too and lead me up to my room.

“ Night, ally” he smiled

“ Night.” I replied

When I went inside my room, I felt this weird feeling inside my stomach. The only time I felt it before was when I was with Liam.

Oh no...forget him, this is not why you’re here, forget him I told myself before climbing into bed, but the truth was I couldn’t forget the boy with the blue eyes.

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