Houston's my worst enemy

447 23 7

Dedicated to nicoleMarshall751 ^_^


The first four classes were just a bizarre, teachers motivated us all to work even harder this time and shared some new information. During classes, I don’t speak much except the cases in which teachers ask me a question or if I'm having a presentation, other than those I do not speak. Because, it's the only time when everyone's attention is focused on something else than me, and I have no intention of changing this situation anytime soon.

When the bell rang in my ears signalling lunch break, I packed my things and waited to let the classroom get empty and the hallways less crowded, so that I would not be noticed going towards the library. Whereas, Gazelle went to the cafeteria like everyone else. When I was sure that there must not be many people in the hallways, I picked up my bag and noise filled the room. I froze at my place, my bag suddenly became weightless and all my things were scattered on the floor before my eyes.The bottom of my bag was ripped apart.

“Welcome back to school,” said a voice with amusement, and the whole situation started making sense. I could identify this voice anywhere without looking at his face.

“How could I forget that jerk?” I muttered, bending down to pick up my things.

"Glad to refresh your memory then,” said Houston in all his glory.

I gathered my stuff, got on my feet and turned around, only to send my most fierce glare in his direction. If looks could kill I would be attending his funeral till now.

“Who do you think you are Houston?? I said angrily.

"You just gave me my answer,” he replied with a chuckle.

I took some steps and picked up his bag from the seat behind mine. My eyes never leaving his, he was shocked by my sudden bold action. I opened his bag, dropped all his stuff down in just one swift move. His mouth hung open but before he could do anything, I stuffed my things in his bag and walked away. I was totally aware that he was following me. Somewhere halfway towards library, a hand grasped my forearm and turned me around. He pushed me to the wall behind and towered over me.

“Sometimes I wonder whether to laugh at you or pity you, little Alice,” he said, his face was dangerously close to mine.

“First, I don't want to be pitied by someone like you. And second, I’m not little,” I said, keeping my voice as neutral as possible. My insides were shivering because his cool breath was tingling my skin.

“Yeah, your height and my shoe size are the same. You’re not little,” he said sarcastically, fuelling my anger, my head starting fuming.

I kicked him with my knee, with as much force as my body had. He jumped and fell on the ground in pain. I took that as my chance to run away.

I waked towards my next class because that moron only spared me ten minutes of lunch break. I could not pay attention on any of my lecture after that. Gazelle noticed that I had his bag and asked me about it but I promised to tell her later. I was in no mood to repeat my encounter with the one and only Houston. Neither did I see him again that day. When the bell of our last class rang, I ran out of the school without wasting a single second. I needed some space. I wanted to be alone, safe in my room.

I entered home and went straight to my room. The whole week passed like that, I locked myself up in my room and ignored Houston in school. My sisters tried to cheer me up but I brushed them off.

I was walking home after school, contented that I could now ignore the role for two whole days. It was Friday, I always loved that day of the week the most.

I knocked at the door. My eyes widened to the size of the moon to see the person who opened the door for me was Jacob.


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I really need them to continue writing this story. Please vote…!!

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