Snow White is a princess who doesn't know what goes on the outside walls between the castle and the town, when she gets there though what will she see? Will she be able to ever be free from her role as a princess and future queen?
(Takes a few aspec...
The room was cold, not a sound except for muffled weeps. Snow felt truly trapped in that moment, how could her father do all this to her. All because of Snow's curiosity, she shouldn't have been so reckless. At that moment she remembered how her mother used to say that Snow would be a great queen, but Snow couldn't handle the kingdom. She doubted herself, she didn't think that role was meant for her. Snow wiped her tears and looked around the room 'I cant take any of this anymore, I have to leave no matter what' Snow didn't know how she would do it but she was determined to run away. She heard a knock on the door "your highness, the feast shall start soon. Please change into your dress" Snow didn't want to wear her new dress. She got up and looked around the closet, she found an outfit that she likes but knew her father would murder her. Only made her want to wear it even more, but she thought to herself for a second 'maybe i'm being too reckless right now, if I push his temper even more than I might find myself in the dungeon for all I know...' Snow sighed and wore the dress. It was a gold dress with a lot of sparkles, not her style but at least its not poofy.
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She knocked on her door "I'm ready" she lazily mumbled, the guards opened the door and escorted her to the ball room for the feast. She hoped to just get it over with.
The ball room was bright almost blinding the eye, the room was filled with nobles and royalty all chatting among themselves. 'Ew, social interaction' Snow thought to herself as she tried to find a corner to stick to during the party. Unfortunately her sister had other plans "there you are sister, I want you to meet Lady Angelica and her cousin Lady Margret" Allura had her usual mischievous smirk "your highness" they both said as they bowed down. Allura walked behind Snow who was distracted by the cousins and shoved her right in the chocolate fountain, "ALLURA YOU BITCH!" Snow then realized how loud she was and covered her mouth the girls all looked at Snow in shock. So did the rest of the party, "oh no..." Snow mumbled as Allura held in her laughter. Snow ran out of the ball, she slammed the door to her room and screamed out of anger. She hates it when Allura does this kind of thing, "she must have recognized me when I threw that bucket on her, that explains why she shoved me. Allura cares too much about her image to shove a maid like that" Snow noticed something placed on her bed, it was a little folded note. She picked it up curiously examining it then opened the letter
Meet me at the royal garden after you clean off that chocolate, I have something you might want. - E.T
'E.T? Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to find out what they want" Snow headed to the shower to clean herself off
Meanwhile in the ball Allura walked by her fathers side "did you need something father?" The king nodded "I have a little gift for you dearest" he handed her the gift, Allura raised a brow "a hand mirror?" The king smirked at her confusion "not just any mirror, ask it a question"Allura reluctantly nodded while wondering what on earth was in his drink "where is Prince Esteban?" I'm the mirror she could see
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The dress the girl wore: The girl stops dancing and runs off somewhere, Esteban chases her but he trips on something and loses her. He gets up and holds a glass slipper in his hand. "Who the hell is she?!...and what kind of creep wears glass slippers" Allura exclaimed with fury, the king shushes her "go scream somewhere else, your sister already embarrassed me tonight and I don't need you to do so as well" Allura obediently nodded and left.
Back at the garden Snow loved walking in the garden, there were all sorts of beautiful flowers in here. She smelled the fresh air and felt the wind. She loved being outside when she got the chance. Gave her a whiff of freedom, she saw a blonde girl with beautiful blue eyes standing in front of her with a shy smile "there you are, you cleaned up well" the girl said in her sweet voice "uh you must be E.T?" Snow raised her brow "actually I'm Ella, Ella Tremaine" she smiled kindly and offered Snow her hand "Snow..." she mumbled shyly as she reached the to shake Ella's hand. "Here, a friend of mine told me to give you this book" Ella handed her a book, Snows eyes widened in shock when she saw what book it was... "How do you have this?!" It was her mother's book' Ella "you'll have to ask my friend, I don't actually know why she asked me to give you this-" "What the hell is going on?!" A voice interrupted the two "of course your friends with Snow.." it was Allura, Snow rolled her eyes seeing her sister and put the book in her pocket, she knew Allura would snitch knee otherwise "I don't believe we met before...My na-" "I don't care what your name is, leave" Allura glared at the girl coldly "before I tell the guards that a little village rat snuck into the palace...too late I already did" the guards run up to the girl and grab her "let her go!" I exclaimed "throw that rat in the dungeon, and can someone take my annoying sister back in her little chamber prison!?" A guard came next to Snow "forgive me for this your highness" Snow tried kicking and screaming the guards off but they only dragged her back in her room.
She was thrown in the guards locked the door on her "NOT AGAIN," Snow screamed as she started banging to door, she then reached for the book from her pocket "what on earth is in this....?"