Snow opened her eyes to find a dark room, all she could see was her mothers dead body staring at her and she screamed and cried. A dark tall figure stood over with a sword "w-w-who..." Snow could barley speak, she never found her mothers body heck she doesn't even know if her mother's even dead she just....vanished
The tall figure said nothing and only stared at Snow "keep walking this path and you will end up exactly like the queen did" the voice was disfigured almost as if they were trying to disguise it. Snow got herself up and tried to run "you can keep running but it will do you no good, you're in my domain now" the voice screamed behind her as she ran. She kept running and bumped into a figure "Esteban?!"
He looked down at her with a glare "your fault" Snow gasped "your selfish...this is all your fault" he started pointing at her and she heard a voice behind her "how could you, I thought we were friends" she looked behind her and saw Ella. They kept chanting about how horrible Snow was and she couldn't take it anymore, she collapsed in her knees and covered her ears until everything was gone except her and the figure "you can still fix what you did if you go back" Snow screamed and cried and heard a distant voice "snow? wake up!"
She jumped awake finding herself in a bed in-front of Ella "you were screaming and crying in your sleep, you scared us" Snow wiped her tears "sorry...I'm so sorry for separating you and Esteban if I hadn't been so self-" Ella shoves a pancake in her mouth "no, this isn't your fault at all" Ella reassured with a smile "now eat your pancake, I spent a while making it" Snow nodded and ate her pancakes.
Ella led Snow out to the living room where Minerva sat reading an old looking book with her feet on the table, she heard the two come in and greeted them "what are you reading?" Snow asked curiously sitting next to the strange woman "I'm reading one of my favorite books but it's a forbidden book since your father wants to take away people knowledge of magic" Snow got intrigued "you were the one who gave me my mothers boom right, if those stories were real all along then was mom some sort of adventurer?" Minerva chuckled at the question "your mother was a bad bi-" Ella heard what Minerva was about to say "LANGUAGE!" Ella exclaimed as Minerva sighed "before she married your father she rode a dragon, fought monsters and ate breakfast with elves" Snow's eyes sparkled thinking of all of it "that sounds amazing, so her stories about Ruby the warrior was actually her?" Minerva nodded "she really was amazing" Minerva mumbled with a sad smile "anyways, want to read my forbidden magic books!" Snow nodded excitedly but Ella protested "your really going to make the girl read forbidden books, what if the king finds-" Minerva interrupted "the king can go kiss my a-" "LANGUAGE" Minerva sighed " butt, he ain't the boss of me or Snow so she can read what she wants to read" Snow nodded "mhmm, he ain't the boss of me" Ella sighed "sometimes I feel like the responsible one" Minerva chuckled "thats because you are dear, but your an adorable responsible little pancake" Minerva pinched Ellas cheek "ow..." Minerva and Snow walk to the bookshelf "pick whatever you want kiddo" Minerva said pointing at the books, Snow scanned the shelf ' to ride a to talk to to be a pirate?' Snow kept looking until she found something that caught her eye 'Iris and Minervas adventure journal' Snow was confused "you went on adventures with my mother?" Minerva nodded "Iris was my best friend back then, your free to read that if you want" Snow took the book from the shelf and saw a really cute book cover of a bunch of stickers and a drawing on the two "your mother insisted on decorating the cover" Minerva chuckled at the memory "well anyways I'll be at the couch If you need me, feel free to ask me about anything" Snow nodded as Minerva walked away 'she seems cool' Snow thought to herself, she looked at the book excited to find out more about the side of her mother she never saw.
Chapter one, captain Iris:
Minerva and I decided
Iris: hey, want our first adventure to be on the sea!
Minerva: Iris can you even swim? but adventure!
Minerva: meh why not, I'll save you if you drown
We both stole a boat from some jerk
Jerk: I shall not sell my boat to women
Minerva: too bad because its ours now
Minerva blasted the jerk of the boat with her magic
Minerva: let's sail away!
Us idiots sailed away, we kinda realized we don't even have a plan
Minerva: wait what are we even looking for?
Iris shrugged
Minerva: guess we'll just see where fate takes us
And it sure took use somewhere since we ended up bumping into a giant sea monster but I ended up having tea with him, his name was Charles Winterbottem the 3rd
Charles: and I said like how preposterous!
Iris: mhmm...sounds rough buddy
Minerva: aye, you said you were looking for a girl to date right?
Charles: yes I am
Minerva: well I recommend Iris
Iris: huh?
Minerva: just teasing, theres a girl I know who would be interested
Charles: what is her name?
Minerva: Jessica, she's a sea monster just like you!
Jessica: did somebody call me?
Charles: my word she's a beauty
So we ended up hooking up to sea monsters and chilled in the sea, thats the end of our first adventure ever!
Snow giggled at the chapter "did you really just throw guy off his own boat" Minerva smirked at Snow "I did all sorts of things back then, those were the good old days" Snow continued to read some more stories and Minerva went on and on about thing they didn't write in the book. Snow was actually having fun with this.
Meanwhile in the castle
Allura sat in her room wondering what she could do "Snow where are you..." she sighed and got not wanting to wither in her sorrow "I need to suck it up, a princess must stay strong to represent her kingdom with grace" Allura left her room and went to the throne room to ask her father if they found Snow but that might be a choice she would regret later. She heard screaming from the room so she hid behind a pillar seeing what was happening "your majesty please don't do this" the guard screamed on his knees "if I don't discipline you then more people would act the same, I won't have another rebellion" Allura was confused 'another rebellion?'. The king went closer his guard and blowed some strange powder in his face, the guard went in a coma "take him the dungeon, he's trapped in his own nightmares now" Allura wondered what was that powder, she was about to sneak out until she heard an angry voice "you can come out now Allura" she froze from fear "did you like fathers little trick?" he looked directly at where she hid "I can do so much more than that" Allura came out her pillar "what did you do to that guard" he smirked at his oblivious daughter "well I simply put him to sleep dear" Allura raised her brow "why?" the king had a more serious face this time "people who break my order need to pay the price" Allura got worried 'what would he do to Snow when she comes back...' she wondered to herself "why aren't we allowed to leave the palace ever father?" Allura questioned "I already explained this to your sister, the world out there is cruel with many beasts and monsters. I'm only keeping you safe" Allura nodded hesitantly "c-can I have my mirror back" he shook his head "I still need it" Allura sighed 'well there goes the only thing that could reassure me' Allura nodded hesitanly and left the throne room
"He's hiding something and I'm going to find out what it is" she mumbled to herself remembering her mother and sister "for both of you I'll find out everything"

The Apple Tree
FantasíaSnow White is a princess who doesn't know what goes on the outside walls between the castle and the town, when she gets there though what will she see? Will she be able to ever be free from her role as a princess and future queen? (Takes a few aspec...