Again, you can find where I originally wrote this story on quotev (Ꭲhꫀ-Ꭺρρᥣꫀ-Ꭲ%C9%BEꫀꫀ)
Welcome to the kingdom of Kribeneian Empire, a great city with great success. The other kingdoms all have respect for it, Snow wishes she could describe the village but she can't. She's never even see it, the palace has a wall built in between the palace and the town. Snow has no idea what's outside the castle. The gates of the walls were always sealed and the man with the key barley lets anyone in or out.
In the balcony she stood, her hair as black as night and skin as white as snow. She was indeed the fairest of them all, she sighed as she stared at the wall. Longing to see the other side, hoping to explore a new world. The girl begged her father to let her leave and see the outside world but he refused, he always said that "The outside is dangerous my little snow flake, stay in here where everyone is happy and safe. After all there is no danger in my empire" He says that all the time, even to the people when he makes his speeches.Her blue eyes spotted an Eagle flying free from the world, no responsibilities. No worries, only adventure awaits for a bird. Snow would often dream of being up in the clouds flying all over the world, she likes to imagine what the outside world looked like. She often drew the places she imagined and gave them there own names and stories, Snow was a girl with a big imagination. Her sister was her opposite
Snow was a girl who wasn't very social but her sister was charismatic and bold, Snow would rather leave and her sister would rather stay and rule the kingdom. Snow being the older twin had to take the throne but its not the future she wants, she just wants to be a painter and travel all over the world. She knew her father would never approve of it though.
"got your head stuck in the clouds again?" Snow turned around and faced a girl with a sly smirk. She had long and wavy blonde hair like her mother and brown eyes, she was very beautiful but not compared to Snow. Despite them being twins they don't look much alike, Snow didn't reply. Allura rolled her eyes "come on, fathers calling us. Honestly your no fun" Snow sighed and followed her sister to the throne room
The halls grew bright and the guards all stood proudly, Snow was looking at the portraits and saw her mother in one. She remembered how her mother used to make them the most delicious pie, she held her necklace her mother gave her and smiled sadly. Allura walked slightly faster when they were next to the portrait, Snow could tell her sister did not want to remember. She can't blame her...
They got to the door of the throne room, it was bigger than any door in the palace and it shined brighter than any of the kingdoms jewels. The guards opened the doors and the two girls stepped in the room. The room was grand yet intimdating at the same time, at the crystal throne sat the king. His brown eyes light when he saw his daughters. The king smiled warmly at them "how have you been my little Snow flakes?" Allura smiled proudly while snow fiddled with her hands timidly "I-I'm doing fine..." the King chuckled at the timid girl "you've always been a shy one, just like your mother" Snow smiled at the compliment, she loved being compared to her mother. It makes her feel like her mother still lives in her, Allura decided to try to get the king's attention "Father, I finished reading that book our great grandfather wrote about the politics of our Empire, I learned so much" the king smiled proudly "Good job, Snow did you read it too?. It will come in handy when your queen"" Snow was nervous about his reaction "ah...n-no" the king looked disappointed at her "you've been drawing all those fantasy places again weren't you, Snow you are the future queen. You need to focus on it it, be more like your sister. She is a true prodigy" Allura smirked proudly Snow frowned and looked away. All she ever wanted was to just be live in her imaginary world filled with adventures. 'anywhere better than here' Snow thought to herself. The king looked at his daughters "My Snowflake, since you are to be queen I will bring you to the next counsel meeting where the decision making off the kingdom is discussed. It's important that you take notes since this is what you will do once you take my throne, Allura can come too" Allura was excited to go, Snow wasn't at all. Politics always bored her, it wasn't really her thing.
He smiled again at his daughter 'alright should say something' Snow embraced herself for any bad reactions "F-father?" he looked at her curiously "yes my snowflake?" Snow gulped "so my 17th birthday is coming up and since I'll be grown I was hoping I could finally get to see the outside-"
"No" the king interrupted her "You will not step foot in the outside ever" Snow sighed sadly and wished she could leave the throne room already and paint something. Allura smirked at her sister mischievously "Father, do you mind if I stick around for the meetings with the people. I'm quite curious on how you deal with them" the king nodded "of course you can" Allura went to her fathers side "perhaps Snow should go and read her fantasy books, she would obviously prefer to be stuck in her own head than run the country" the king sighed disappointed "Snow your staying behind, you need to learn" Snow glared at her sister 'you did that on purpose didn't you, ugh there's no avoiding it now'
Snow was practicality half asleep in the meeting, she took the time to start imagining her next story. She couldn't wait to make it once she got back to her room, Snow had a habit for making mini comic books with her dream adventures. The main characters in the stories was a warrior named 'Robin' who was as free as a bird, she wished she could be like Robin all the time but unfortunately she's not in a good position to go out and have adventures.
Meanwhile her sister kept impressing her father in her diplomatic skills, he sometimes wishes Allura was born first and so did Snow and Allura. But alas, Snow was the first born so she the heir. The meeting finally ended and Snow was free to write her next chapter of 'The tale of the warrior princess'
'Tales of the warrior princess chapter 67, the tower'
Robin was riding free in her mighty horse, she rode in the kingdom of Azure. The kingdom made entirely of gold, one of the many kingdoms Snow made up. In that kingdom of gold she rode into a forest made of candy and sparkles, Robin hated sparkles more than anything. As she rode she heard an angelic voice singing, it felt like a calling to Robin. She was entranced, she followed the angelic voice and found a long tower with a window that revealed a girl with long red hair and green eyes with the most beautiful voice. "Who are you?" Robin screamed so that the girl could hear "Ah!" the girl ran back in the tower and a dragon appeard from behind the tower. It had a mighty roar " YOU SHALL NOT PASS" Robin looked confused "THE DRAGON CAN TALK?! god Snow your stories are weird"
Robin sighed and focused on the dragon "ARE YOU BEING DRAGONPHOBIC....That actually hurts my feelings" the dragon started crying and Robin weirdly felt bad "h-hey its alright, I didn't mean to be dragon phobic I just didn't know much about your uhmm culture" the dragon sniffed and looked at Robin "I could teach you!" Robin hesitantly nodded "sure?"
And so the dragon taught Robin all about Dragon culture
Robin became more open-minded after that experience
The End
Snow smiled at her new chapter 'I'm so proud of me' all of a sudden someone snatched the paper, she looked up and found her sister reading the comic looking amused "give it back!" Snow tried to take it back from her sister "pfft- this is pathetic, wait until father gets a load of this!" she ran out of snow's room probably heading to the throne room "HEY WAIT!" Snow ran after her knowing that disaster would happen if her father found out about her mini comic series
She tackled her sister in the middle of the hall trying to take her paper "GIVE IT BACK!" they were pulling on the paper and then
The paper ripped in half
Snow gasped and Allura laughed wickedly "I WORKED SO HARD ON IT!" Allura got up and so did Snow holding the ripped up paper "so you choose a stupid paper over your kingdom, get your act together Snow. Honestly with you as queen the whole city is gonna burn down" Snow stayed quiet 'she's right, I would make a horrible queen' Allura smirked "aww don't worry, I'll take over the throne for you one day. That way everyone is happy" Snow nodded hoping this would happen
"I hope so too" Allura smirked proudly and walked away leaving Snow looking sadly at her ripped up comic
and that's the end, Chapter 2 us gonna come out at the same time and day as quotev. I'm already working on it!

The Apple Tree
FantasiSnow White is a princess who doesn't know what goes on the outside walls between the castle and the town, when she gets there though what will she see? Will she be able to ever be free from her role as a princess and future queen? (Takes a few aspec...