CH 1 : the end of the beginning

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Donald walked into the oval office sighing, he was so uncontent with his sex life. Ivanka couldn't satisfy him the way he wanted. No woman could, he sat his fat juicy voluptuous ass down on his presidential chair.

He called in Mike Pence, "Mikey Poo! Come suck my dick."

Mike rushed in, being the little bitch that he is, "Daddy! We musnt do this anymore! I am being penetrated by another man."

"Who?" Donald demanded to know, his rage showing through.

"He just wants to share me with everyone! It's a beautiful open relationship, don't nuke us!"

"If you don't tell me Mike, I will fire you!"

"It's Bernie!" Mike whimpered, cowering like the bitch that he is.

"How dare you!" Donald cried, tears streaming down his face. Now what was he going to do! How else would he get that Gwak 3000 ™? "Get out of here you homo! Die in hell!"

That night Donald went to bed without the warmth of Mike's warm manly embrace, he thought about all the times where Mike's mircopenis would put him to sleep soundly. Soon he drifted off. 

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