A Winter's Ball

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How does the bastard, orphan, son of a whore

"Do you have to insult me every time you introduce me Burr?" Hamilton asked, giving a mock glare.

"Hey, it's not me, it's the musical." Burr defended

Go on and on
Grow into more of a phenomenon?
Watch this obnoxious, arrogant, loudmouth bother

Although Alex was joking about it, he couldn't help but feel at least a little hurt that Burr's actor was using those words to describe him.

"You don't really think of me this way, do you Burr?"

"Of course not." Burr replied with some hesitation, which Alexander took note of.

Be seated at the right hand of the father
Washington hires Hamilton right on sight
But Hamilton still wants to fight, not write

"Yes, that is totally you, but why do you write so much?" Lafyette said

"I'm sure it will talk about that." Alexander responded, staring at the screen.

Now Hamilton's skill with a quill is undeniable
But what do we have in common? We're
Reliable with the


This earned raised eyebrows from every woman in the room.

There are so many to deflower!

"Burr, your actor better chooses his next words vary carefully." Angelica warned


Looks! Proximity to power


They delighted and distracted him
Martha Washington named her feral tomcat after him!

That's true

A winter's ball
And the Schuyler sisters are the envy of all
Yo, if you can marry a sister, you're rich, son

Is it a question of if, Burr, or which one?

"You didn't marry my sister just because of her wealth, right Alex?" Peggy asked

"Of course not, I married her because I love her." Alexander said. With that confirmation, Eliza gave her husband a loving look and rested her head on his shoulder.

Hey hey 

Author's note

Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. But I would like to know, would you like a Six crossover or a PJO crossover? As always, I love comments as long as you aren't being a troll. See you next week!


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