Ch 10: Fight or Flight

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Bruce and I walked onto the plane, taking our seats. It was nice, being able to fly on a private jet. Didn't have to deal with security or any other passengers or screaming babies or anything like that. Plus the seats were a lot nicer. 

Letting out a sigh, Bruce slumped back in his seat, running a hand through his hair. "Ugh, I wish this tour was over." "Over? But we haven't even started the European leg yet!" I said. "Yeah, yeah, I know, it's just..." He trailed off, looking at Paul across the plane. "It's just that Paul and I have been still kinda...I dunno, not like fighting exactly, but it's just been tense between us. I'm not really looking forward to spending months in Europe with him." 

I tried not to show just how happy I was to hear that and just nodded, giving him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "It's stupid man, it really is, because I love him! We love each other a lot but it's just...ahh, I don't know. It's just a lot to deal with him sometimes. He can be...well, you know Paul. He can be a bit dramatic." I raised an eyebrow, giving him a look. "A bit?" I asked. He laughed, rolling his eyes. "I know, I know. He can be a handful but hey, he's my handful, and I wish he'd stop getting so mad at me when I raise legitimate concerns with him! He ends up being so defensive! Like I mean damn, all I want is for us to establish clear boundaries in our relationship and I really don't see how me asking him not to be kissing other people is "controlling" or whatever," he grumbled.

"Right, right. I mean hey, maybe you should just like fight him about it, you know?" I said. Bruce gave me a flat look. " I'm not gonna fight my boyfriend, that's stupid," he said slowly. I winced, evidently not as good with the subtle manipulation as Gene was. "I uh...well I don't mean like fight him, but you know! Like just confront him about it! There should be mutual respect and stuff between you!" He shrugged, staring up at the ceiling of the plane. "Maybe. I dunno. I'm sure it'll work out in the end." "Yeah," I said, really hoping that it didn't work out at all.

There was a brief silence before he gave me a smile. "You're a good friend, Eric. I really appreciate you and your advice. I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me." My smile grew forced, stomach bunching into knots. "Y-yeah. Of course I wouldn't!" I said. Eyes shining, he patted me on the shoulder. "Thanks man. Anyway, I'm probably gonna take a nap or something. We've got like 7 hours or something," he said, leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes. 

I watched as he dropped off to sleep, taking the opportunity to admire every little curve of his face. His hair was tucked back away from his face in a loose ponytail, the faintest frown pulling his lips into a pout. And of course he still had his impeccable jawline with his adorable little chin dimple. I let out a dreamy sigh, resting my chin on my hand before looking over enviously at Gene.

Paul was fast asleep on with his head resting on Gene's shoulder as he sat there reading a book. He looked up, giving me a smug grin, and I rolled my eyes, flipping him off. "Hey, don't be jealous," he murmured, shifting to allow Paul to get more comfortable. "Figures he chose to sit next to you instead of across from you," I grumbled. "Look man we've been best friends for like what, 15 years or something? Needless to say we're pretty close," he teased. "Ugh man I just wanna--" Gene held up a finger to his lips, shushing me. "Hey, watch yourself," he murmured. 

Nodding, I looked at Bruce again, wishing I had the guts to just tell him outright. "Yeah, right right. But damn. Soon, hopefully," I murmured. Heaving a sigh, I leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes and wishing I had just told him when I first realized I loved him. Things probably would've worked out just fine if I hadn't been such a coward. 

I didn't do much during the flight, just alternated been staring out the window, staring at Bruce, and doodling in my sketchbook. Paul continued to sleep, going from just leaning against Gene to basically clinging to him, and Gene was very clearly loving every minute of it, giving me a smirk every time I looked at him. Bruce woke up an hour or so before we landed and I could see his gaze immediately go to Paul, scowl spreading across his face. 

Uh oh.

"Hey Gene. You want to do me a favor and wake up my boyfriend?" Bruce asked in a tight voice. Gene looked up from his book in surprise. "What?" "Can you wake up Paul? I'd like to talk to him." Looking very reluctant to do so, Gene nudged Paul awake. "Hey get up man, Bruce wants to talk to you," he said. "Wh-huh?" Paul mumbled, sitting up and blinking, stifling a yawn. Bruce rose to his feet, walking over to Paul and pulling him to his feet, leading him to the back of the plane. Gene and I exchanged glances as they started talking in low voices. 

I raised an eyebrow as their voices started to rise. "Damn, we didn't even have to do anything," I said quietly, and Gene nodded. It took all of two minutes for them to escalate into full on shouting. "For the last fucking time, I'm not cheating on you!" "Well you sure do keep doing a lot of things that make it seem like you are!" "Why would I cheat on you with Gene?! You think I'm trying to split the band apart with all the drama that would cause?! And I wouldn't even cheat on you with anyone!" 

"Then why the hell were you clinging so much to him, huh?!" "Because I was asleep! None of it was intentional!" They kept going, throwing accusations at each other before Paul shoved Bruce away. "Just forget it! We'll talk later!" he roared, storming back to his seat and sitting down abruptly, crossing his arms with a scowl. Scowling just as much, Bruce took his seat, staring angrily at the ground. Gene and I exchanged glances again, both of us biting back a smile.

I mean hell, if they were falling apart this much on their own, maybe it really was smart for Gene and I to split them up.

At Odd's Ends (Bruce Kulick x Eric Carr)Where stories live. Discover now