Ch 32: Planning

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"Mmm Mr. Kulick we have things to do today my dear, you gotta get up," I said, shaking him awake. He let out a yawn, rolling over and throwing the blankets over himself. "Shh wake me up later. I'm too tired right now." "I know but come on! We've gotta go to the bakery to do the cake tasting and stuff so we can get our wedding cake ordered!" I said, grabbing his arm and dragging him out of the bed.

Bruce just held onto the blankets, letting me pull him to the floor where he immediately cocooned himself in a nest of quilts all over again. "I told you, later. I'm too...too sleepy," he said through a yawn. Frowning, I put my hands on my hips and nudged him with my foot. "It doesn't matter if you're sleepy, our appointment is in an hour and a half and if you don't go then I'll go by myself and I'll just pick out the flavor of the cake for us," I snapped. 

"Shh Eric relax. It'll be fine, I can sleep for...for just five more minutes," he said, closing his eyes again. Rolling my eyes, I stood over him, waiting until five minutes had passed before gently kicking him. "Hey! Wake up! You had your five minutes!" I cried, ripping the blankets off of him. "Alright, alright, I'm up!" he protested, stumbling to his feet and giving me a smile before pulling me into a kiss. "Let me get showered and then we can head out," he murmured, kissing me on the cheek before grabbing some clothes and walking to the bathroom. 

I sat waiting on the edge of our bed until at last Bruce finished his shower, walking out of the bathroom as he toweled off his hair. "Alright my dear, let's go pick out a cake," he said. Grinning, I grabbed his hand, dragging him to the door. "So what flavor do you want?" he asked as soon as we got in the car. "Oh well lemon is my favorite flavor so I was thinking maybe like a yellow cake with a lemon filling and then white frosting, of course!" I said cheerfully. Bruce frowned, looking at the road as he drove. "Hm. Well I like chocolate best, could we maybe work some of that in?" he asked. 

"Oh...I mean maybe? I don't know how well chocolate and lemon works together. But-but I'm sure we'll come up with a compromise!" I said, desperate to avoid another argument with him. He looked away from the road long enough to give me a smile. "I know we will. Hell, maybe we'll end up trying a flavor that neither of us thought about that ends up being the best one!" Reassured, I nodded, giving his hand a squeeze. "We'll make something work," I said.

We walked into the bakery, meeting with the lady who had arranged our cake tasting. "So before we're able to actually taste anything we'd like to go over some questions first!" she said, grabbing a clipboard and giving us a smile. We sat across from her at the table and she clicked her pen. "So! What shape do you want the cake to be?" she asked. Bruce and I exchanged panicked glances. "" I said hesitantly. "That's a very common one! About how many tiers are you wanting to have?" 

Our glances got even more panicked. " 3?" I said after a pause, and she nodded, writing something down. Bruce and I kept fumbling our way through the questions, completely unprepared since all we really wanted to do was eat different types of cake. Finally, she rose to her feet. "Well! Let me go and get some of the samples we've prepared," she said, walking off. 

Bruce gave me a grin, squeezing my hand. "Okay so that was a disaster. Do you even remember what we answered for half of the questions?" "Not at all. I literally thought this was just gonna be we get to eat cake. Which I mean we do, but also our wedding cake might look like shit," I said with a giggle. He smiled, kissing me. "Hey, a mess of a cake would match our kind of mess of a relationship pretty well," he teased. 

The lady made it back, holding a tray of plates with cakes on them, and I felt my mouth watering. This was exactly what I had been looking forward to, stuffing my face with cake in the name of love. 

After eating way too much cake and ending up choosing a strawberries and cream flavor that neither of us had even known existed, we stumbled back to the car. "Oh damn I'm so full," I moaned, sinking back into the passenger seat and closing my eyes. "I'm gonna go into a food coma real quick." "I mean you can't complain, you completely did this to yourself. You just had to finish every single piece, didn't you?" Bruce teased. "It was good cake! Why would I want it to go to waste?!" I protested. He laughed, shaking his head. "Because no one person needs like ten pieces of cake in one sitting!" "I need ten pieces of cake in one sitting," I grumbled under my breath.

We made it back to our house, sitting at the kitchen table. "Okay so we've got a potential cake flavor at least, that's good! What's your dream wedding look like?" I asked, resting my chin on my hands and looking at Bruce. "Hm. Well, for like the wedding colors itself, I'm thinking like a red and dark gray, that's a really nice classy combination and I like those colors. As for the ceremony, I think a small indoor wedding would be nice, just a few family and friends," he mused. "How about you?" 

"Well, I like white and gold and a big outdoor wedding with lots of family and friends," I said with a sheepish grin. There was a pause before he burst into laughter, leaning across the table and kissing me. "Well, opposites attract. So outdoor wedding, huh? Where?" "Oh, I dunno! Maybe like in a park? I think that would be nice. Yeah, in a park! With trees around, like by a pond and stuff. I dunno," I said, suddenly feeling shy for no good reason at all. 

Bruce gave me a warm smile, picking up my hand and giving it a squeeze. "That sounds very nice. Okay, so how about we give you the outdoors but then we cut back on the guest list? We can obviously go outside of immediate family and  just super close friends but maybe keep it under like uh...keep it under 100 people total?" he asked. My face lit up and I nodded. "Perfect! Yeah, that's a perfect compromise! And then we've got the cake picked out and so now we just need to work on decorations!"

"Mhm. Maybe we should hire a wedding planner," Bruce said thoughtfully, but I shook my head, giving him a wide smile. "No no we don't need to do that! We'll be able to do it ourselves! I'll do it if you can't or just don't want to!" He laughed, pulling me onto his lap and giving me a kiss, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Oh hush, I'll help you. But you're sure you can handle planning a wedding?" he asked, eyes filling with concern. 

"I'm absolutely positive. What's the worse that could happen?" I asked. 

At Odd's Ends (Bruce Kulick x Eric Carr)Where stories live. Discover now