Ch 30: Engagements (Gene)

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"Mmm I love you," Paul mumbled, wrapping his arms around me and burying his face in my chest. Smiling, I ran a hand through his hair, kissing him. "Love you more," I teased. He gave me a look, raising an eyebrow. "I don't know if I think that's true," he said. Smirking, I kissed him again. "I think it is. At the very least, I'm better at loving you." Rolling his eyes, he punched me in the arm. "Shut up. You've had sex with more people than I can count, you've just had more practice," he muttered. "Regardless I do still very much love you and I am very, very glad we're dating," I said. 

Smiling, he snuggled up against me, closing his eyes. "Me too. It sucks Eric and Bruce have been like not really dating for what...three months now?" "Mm yeah something like that. But I mean marriage is a pretty big commitment, so like...I think they should just try a bit more to work things out but at the same time, I can understand their argument." "Yeah. Speaking of marriage, what's your opinion on it?" he asked casually. 

I shrugged, slipping an arm around his waist, giving his thigh a squeeze. "I think it's stupid. I think that two people can have a relationship just fine without being married. But at the same time, if like, say, you were to propose to me or something, I'd say yes. I just don't think it's necessary, you know?" Letting out a yawn, he sat up in bed, nodding. "Right, yeah, that makes sense," he said, before reaching over to the bedside drawer, grabbing a small box and turning to me. "Glad to hear that though, because I was sort of planning on asking you to marry me," he said, opening the box to show me a ring inside. Stunned, I stared at him with wide eyes, sitting up and looking at the ring in shock.

Oh man Bruce was gonna be pissed. 

In spite of that though, I gave him a smile, leaning over and kissing him. "Well I did just say I'd say yes if you proposed, I'm sticking to that. So yeah, I'll marry you," I said. Laughing, he kissed me back, twisting a hand through my hair before slipping the ring on my finger. "Glad to hear it. Anyway, I'm starving after last night, want to go eat breakfast?" he asked. "Mm that does sound good. Let's go out though, I'm too lazy to cook. Besides, we just got engaged, we should celebrate!" I teased. 

"Oh shut up," he grumbled, punching me in the arm again. "Hey come on! I said that I was glad to marry you! I do love you, you're like the only person I've seriously dated like...ever. And also I just really love you." He gave me a warm smile, stretching before starting to get dressed. Heart melting, I watched as he threw on some clothes before following suit, grabbing him and pulling him into a kiss, wrapping my arms around him. "Damn Paul I love you so much," I murmured in a husky voice. "I know. I love you too," he said, giving me a smile before grabbing my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. 

We sat together at the restaurant, holding hands under the table as we waited for our breakfast to get here. "So what do we know," Paul said, running a finger over my brand-new engagement ring. "Tell Eric and Bruce, who are currently having an extended fight over their proposed engagement, about our engagement?" I asked, and he nodded with a wince. "Yep, that's the one. I mean like it's a huge sore spot for both of them. Bruce really wants to be married, Eric isn't sure if he wants to, they haven't really dated for a few months over it and like...I dunno, if we say that we're engaged it feels like gloating." 

"Well you're the one who proposed, it's your fault," I teased. "Hey! You know what, maybe I'll take it back, maybe I won't marry you," he snapped, pulling the ring off my hand. "Wait no you already proposed! No take backs!" I protested, trying to snatch it back from him. Laughing, he slid the ring onto his own finger. "Maybe I'm the only man I need in my life," he mused. "Come on dumbass, give it back! Now that you've proposed to me I'm excited for marriage," I said. "Aw you big softy," he teased, removing the ring and returning it to me with a smile, eyes sparkling. 

"Shut up," I muttered, face burning. "But really, what do we want to do?" "Hm...I about we just don't mention it until they sort of work things out? Because it's's really gonna be awkward otherwise," Paul said. "Mm, good idea. I'm glad that you married me though. Or that you're planning on it," I said with a grin. "Well I'd hope so, seeing as how you said yes," Paul retorted, giving me a kiss before looking at his watch. "Alright remember we've got practice this afternoon, we can't be late for that." "Right, right. But for now, let's just enjoy breakfast and each other's company," I said, giving his hand a squeeze. 

Later that afternoon, we walked into the practice room where Bruce and Eric were already waiting, talking casually to each other without really doing much more than that. It was still tense between them, like it had been for months now. I don't think anyone knew if they were dating or not, including them. "Alright so we ready to practice?" I asked, tuning my bass. Bruce nodded before looking at my hand, eyes narrowing. "Nice ring, Simmons. Where'd you get that?" he asked.

Paul and I exchanged panicked glances. "Um...Paul gave it to me," I said after a pause. Bruce looked between the two of us, mouth pressing into a thin line before he went back to tuning his guitar. "Congrats on your engagement," he said in a flat voice. I winced, running a hand through my hair. "Oh...thanks," I mumbled, looking at Paul, who gave me a nervous smile. Eric's face went white and he buried his head in his hands. 

Yeah this might have complicated things a little more than I wanted it to. 

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