chapter 4: married life is..

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Rosi's p.o.v.

The door finaly closed, i walked over to the sofa and threw myself on it..

2 seconds later i saw two long legs infront of me.. i looked up to the angelic face in front of me..

"Jagiya... i'm hungry" he pouted

"Amm .. suho? You do realise your mother isnt here anymore.. you dont have to cal me jagiya.."

"But, were married so i can technically call you whatever i like, and you also have to cook for me so.."

"Noo suho , im too tired" i said like a child

"But dont you want to be a good wife?"

"Noooo.. you do know the definition of a married couple are two people that love eachother so much , they want to show it to all those around them,.. some how i dont think we fall under that category.." i smiled to myself, but he was still serious

"We dont.?.."

"Well of course we dont.. i only met you a few weeks ago.. and .." why the hell is my heart flutttering like this? Pffft... must be indigestion.. but i havent eaten anything?...

"And what? " he demmanded

"And, and we were forced to marry so..." i got up and tried to make my way to the kitchen for food , but he followed me,

"So... what, tell me, i am your husband" he said coming up behind and breathing on my neck.. i kept moving to avoid him but i found myself trapped at the counter,

"Yeah suho, youre my husband and thats all your ever going to be, and its the same for me.. all i will ever be to you is your 'wife' never the person you love or need, its more like a roommate thing..." i said sighing..

why does he have to make everything so complicated, aisshh i just want to get on with this seeing as im forced to.. for the rest of my life!! Like i do feel bad for him tho .. he does have to do this aswell.. its just thatt he doesnt seem to feel as bad about it as me, does he not realise what we have to do?!

suho's p.o.v.

Is that what she really thinks? I dont know what to feel anymore.. maybe everything i felt for her until now is just me trying to like her, maybe i really dont anymore...

But i really did, like her, well before er.. well maybe i didnt ugh i dont know anymore...

"You really think your just a name to me? i married you, which means i depend on you for stuff... meaning that i need you , so technically ......"

I drifted off.. i didnt know how to finnish thAt sentence , she slowly looked up at me with a shocked face..

"Im sorry... i didnt mean to,"

"No, it's okay.." she said cutting me off, she turned away, what is she thinking abou- oh my god i basically just sorta kinda.. told her.. i wanted her. To be.. my wife? Pfft na i just daid i need her for stuff like cooking and cleaning and ironing and .. support.. love.. a future.. pfffft! As if she'd jump to that big a conclusion.. right?

Boy, i gotta get out more.. im losing my touch.. this is what she does to me :(

I walked to the table and grabbed my phone and wallet,

"Ja- " oh crap not that!

"Amm im.. going out, i'll call- er.. see you later.. bye"

Rosi's p.o.v.

He says.. just when the foods ready.. okay, his loss! Ugh why does his feelings for me have to be so complicated!!

.. i mean i know im sending mixed signals to him, but HE might aswell be telegraphing aliens with the type signals he gives out

Whenever he says such nice or meaningful things like he said there i feel like we could.. maybe.. get along?

But then i remember:

"Oh you'll never compare to 'SOOBIN' "

well dont worry fuck face i dont want to, she is probably some prostitute he paid to get plastic surgery done on and goes around with to look good.. knowing him anyway.. any excuse to flash the cash!!

something tells my married life, which only started about 40 something hours ago is going to be some pile of-

*briing brriing*

My phone, where is it.. i grabbed it off the table and answered it quickly.. probably suho.

"What do you want!" I said extremely grumpily and pissed..

"Rosi? Are you feeling ok.."

Shit! Its suho's mother.. breathe,breathe act natural.. well um.. the fake natural

"Oh mrs. Kim what a pleeasant surprise i wasnt expecting a call from you"

"Oh i was just wondering if my suho wad there its about the company an-"

"Sorry, he left a while ago.."

"Really? When?!"

"Oh just about.. 4hours ago now.."

"Oh right.... and did you two fight"

Ok judge judy!! Whats with all the question?? God.. could she get more nosy..

"No mam we didnt.."

"Where is he?"

"Oh, i dont know, he just said he's going out.."

"Right well amm.. in that case amm .. good night."

"Good night, bye" i smiled

It is really late tho, i suppose..

I guess i should just go to bed. I have a big day of nothing to look forward to tommorow.. well not nothing.. probably argueing with suho maybe the odd weird scenario maybe even another phone call from his mother if im lucky,

I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep,

I was abruptly awoken by the bedroom lights flashing on.. well suho's back...

he headed to the bathroom..

this is gonna be so awquard.. ill just pretend to sleep.. perfect idea!! :)

I went out of the bathroom and turned off the light he then made his way over to the bed, i had my back to his side.

when he was settled in the bed i heard him clear his throat.. such an attention seeker..

"Rosi.." he called softly.. duh! Im obvs asleep suho..

I can finaly go back to .. what the hell!

Why are ther two arms wrapped around my waist??

Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!!

I cant just suddenly wake up or he'll know and the more awquardnes .. ugh.. next time he can use a pillow..

My eyes started to close.. his arms kinda warming my body.. this doesnt seem TOO bad after all.. i guess.. i wish this suho stayed forever and he never went back to his playboy ways or thinking about soo bin.. maybe then married life wouldnt seem so bad... maybe

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