chapter 5

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Suho's p.o.v.

Well i dont know how my mother figured out I was there but her goons found me!! I garuntee  you she searched every bar before here, she was probably thinking I was drinking. .. nope!

And I bet she sent them over to soobin ' s - but I wasn't there either!! ( to be honest it is getting so hard to keep that relationship AND the marriage, and to keep the relationship a secret is tougher, I am seriously thinking about whether I even have any kind of future with this woman because I actually never took it seriously  , like her father is a pastor and I have never gone past holding hands!! Gosh... maybe I should let soobin go...)
Sooo anyway. . Yeah.. they found me at the golf course, I know, 'at night!?' But, yeah. I go there when I need to think  and work on my shot..
[Lol suho @ the golf course]

In the car with the goons going back my mother called and I was forced to answer it , she told me how lonely and upset rosi was because I was gone so long so I felt even more guilty....
So im here just lying in bed and thinking now about where  my future is going. ...

I know I have the company and its gotten larger now so even more money, and I suppose I just keep getting older .....
I feel like  there are alot of things I need to sort out before the next "stage " can happen... whatever that even is...

Rosi's p.o.v.
I woke up and his arms were still around me!!
I could feel his heavy breathing on my back..
Ugh I need to get out of here..
I started to get out of bed when the pair of arms tightened around my waist.. NOOO!  :(

"Jagiyaa. ." He said while still sleeping..
Ew bow I really have to get away.. he thinks im Soo bin!!
I try to leave again but the same thing happens
"Mm rosii"
The faq  did he just say????
Ppffft I heard wrong.. unless he is just awake and tricking me,
I turned and was facing him in the hug now.. shit where's  his shirt!!!
He started kissing my neck and moving his hands up and down my waist..

Oh no!! I can't do this.. I must resist!! 3 en though i kind of want to he is only asleep and doesn't know what he's doing...

I made a swift leap out of the bed and thankfully made it, then I heard him moving probably waking up so I made a run for it... maybe I'll make breakfast :)

Suho's p.o.v.

Ugh *yawns* that was the strangest dream I ever had!!! How could i even think that was happening!!??
It was as if me and rosi.. had our  arms around  eachother. .... in bed!
Weird right? ??... more like impossible! I wish it wasnt though... I'd like to experience it in real life one day.....
Uh.No!!! Why do I kep thinking I like her or more!!!!!
It just cant be!! I.. dont even know her.. and even if she does remind me of my mother.. and we were betrothed since she was born or whatever , it doesn't change what each of us want..
She keeps saying she wants to go back to her other boyfriend. .. well.. Once or twice she did!! And I. .....
.................. ?.... wait , i know I said I wasn't attracted and don't want to be with soo bin anymore but, then.. what does that leave me with?...
She just doesn't seem like the type of wife a c.e.o. of a very large company needs!!
She isn't  patient, filial or caring! !!!!!

OK. .. I have a plan.. I won't let myself like this rosi one! ... I'll just start looking for my perfect woman-

Suddenly she bursts into the room with a tray of food, oh my god! Why is she making it so hard already!!!!!!
I keep having flashbacks of time I kissed her.. ugh, I cant stop...

"Suho.". she said with a worried expression in front of me,
"Are you alright??"

"Y yeah.. I am, thanks,.."
This atmosphere is soo awquard! !

"Oh well, here's your breakfast.. I just ,, accidentally  made some for you soo... "
She said passing me the tray..
I couldn't help but smile knowing she thought of me!!... wait.. no!! I can't! !!

"Oh by the way... your, mother, called, earlier. She said to tell you to be at the office at 10, and that.. oh no ah never mind..."

"What?" I demanded

"Nothing, it doesn't  matter. ." She said

"What else  did she say?."

"I can't tell you.. sorry.." she said shyly

I lept out of the bed and went after her, I stood  in front of her in the hallway,

What is it? I said breathing heavily from the run.. god I need to buy a treadmill. . Am I that out of shape??

Rosi's  p.o.v.
"Ok ill tell you.. but dont avoid it or she'll know I told you..
She said, that she is going to visit you in your office today because she has something to discuss with you , but not to tell you incase you avoid it.."

"Oh.. alright.. as long as she wasn't bothering you with you know .. stuff like  a baby... hehe.."

Uh maybe he reeally doesn't want children.... well I do! At least three, I guess it's another reason we can't be together!!

"Oh dont worry, she wasn't but she said that after she saw you she was going to visit me..."

Suho's p.o.v.
I'm in work now, god, she didn't even say what time she's coming,
I'm so worried I think im even scaring some of my workers.. but they all know my mother so, I guess if they knew  they'd understand!!
Finaly i get the call from my secretary she's here!!
I took a deep breath, just as the door swung open.

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