chapter 2: marriage

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scince I signed it I have seen more of his parents than I have my own... especially his mother! but I suppose his parents are paying for the wedding so... I dont see why I have to plan it with them though, like do it yourself jeez hehe actualy I have nothing else to do , mum and dad took me out of university so its ALL I have to do, but id rather be going out with my friends but I cant!! :(

the big day is in like actually only a week!!.. I mean its all completely rushed but his mother said she had been waiting so long that it actualy isnt, im still nervous even if I have no feelings for the guy I mean.. we dont see eachother at all I havent seen him scince the car park.. if im marrying him why cant I see him ever.. what kind of a marriage is this?

suho's p.o.v.

im getting married next week. to a girl I dont know. I have only met her properly once. I haven't gone to see her. why?.. im so scared and nervous, what if she sees me and regrets everything she might want to leave.. well my mother will never let that happen but still.. I dont want her hating me!.. but what if she hates me for NOT seeing her,  maybe I should go once, just incase.

ok im just getting ready now.. I have a date!  well.. not really, we are just going to dinner to sample foods for the wedding but still its a big deal.. gots to look my best!!

I arrived at the venue and saw a beautiful woman sitting at a table waiting for me, I couldn't help but think of my ex.. that angers me when I think of her... calm down suho.. just have to do this and you will have everything you ever wanted!

I sat infront of her,

"hello" I smiled,

"hi" she said shyly

"amm how have you been?" I said weakly.. is this how awquard it will be!?

"good, quite busy with wedding stuff but I suppose I dont mind it.. what about you though, you must be working really hard at the office with the whole company moving thing"

wow she thinks about me.. wow

"amm yeah its tough but I suppose im getting there its just a bit demanding and stressful at times , so im sorry if I couldnt see you as often as you had liked, I will try a better effort I promise"

"oh suho, it okay, I understand if your busy its fine please don't worry!! and dont work too hard if its stressful. . I dont think its good for you!!"

wow she is looking out for my health.. she really is just like mum!!!

rosi's p.o.v.

were standing outside, ready to go our seperate ways. god, will being around him always be so awquard! I mean jeez you could cut the tension in that room with a knife!

"well I will see you soon, I hope you drive safely back" he said

"oh no, I will just call a cab" I said

"oh, no dont! by the time it gets here you will be frozen... just let me drive you back" he said

what! d drive me back, with him, in his car.. more awquardness!! no no no no no no no- "alright"

what the hell am I doing!!

the car journey was dead silent, it wasnt that long either though.. thank god! when he pulled up at my parents house I quickly took off my seatbelt and started getting out of the car when he took my hand,

I looked at him with a completely shocked face, he smiled coolly at me and then said "see you soon babe" and winked at me

what.the.hell. HE IS SUCH A PLAYER I knew it!!

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