•Among Us Round 2•

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Idea By: Oikawaa_Toruu
Written By: me (~ ̄³ ̄)~

"Let's play a game little one" Kuroo teased.

"A g-game? But we already played!" Hinata backed away from their touches.

"A game where you guess who's murdering you" Daichi smiled.

"Murdering!?" Hinata screeched.

"Oh wait, Let me rephrase that Chibi-chan. . Murdering your insides" Oikawa smirked.

"Uh yeah uh— No thanks" Hinata smiled worried was evident on his face.

"That wasn't a choice Sho" Kita chuckled as he wrapped his arms around the smaller boy's shoulders.

The tangerine was pushed onto the blue mat, His legs spreading.

"Mama Mia what a sight~" Futakuchi smirked.

"Well then, Say bye bye to your clothes" Ushijima said as a matter of fact.

And it ripped off, like legit ripped off Hinata's clothes. Except for his boxers that is.

"You know what? Fuck the game, Let me fuck you instead" Terushima licked his lips.

"Move aside bitches, He's mine first" Daichi cleared his throat.

"Selfish ass" Daishou whined as he moved aside.


"Make Daddy proud, Alright?" Daichi asked softly as he flipped Hinata over.

His ass stuck out, The pinkish hole could be in view for the 9 captains.

"Da-daddy~ UnGh~ ♡" Hinata buried his face into the mat as his own captain fingered him with 2 digits.

"Your adorable y'know. .?" Daichi whispered deeply sending chills down Hinata's soon to be broken spine.

"Dai—chi sa-san! Plea-please! I want it! ♡" The orange haired male begged.

"Now now. . Don't be a brat and make Daddy angry" Daichi held Hinata's chin up softly as to not wanting to hurt the poor boy.

Biggest joke I've ever seen tbh (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩')

Hinata looked at him intently, Begging with his doe eyes.

"Please. . Daddy?" The Tangerine tilted his head.

His captain smirked, Contemplating if it was worth it to get killed by Suga after knowing that he hurt his favorite baby.

Daichi groaned and revealed his member, A good solid 10 inch.

"Take Daddy like the good boy you are"

And so to that, The said Captain entered roughly. Didn't hurt for the receiving end since he was wet and stretched.

But still, The tightness was unbelievable.

"mNGh~ gUWahH~! ♡" Hinata's muffled moans resonated throughout the compact room.

"Fuck, Your such a tight Babyboy aren't you?"

"Ye-yes~! ♡" Hinata hissed at the feeling of his captain hitting his prostate almost everytime.

"Such a beautiful sight~"

"Da-daddy~! ♡ Slo-slow down!" The tangerine widened his eyes as he was getting repeatedly pounded into with no breaks whatsoever.

"But you— shit! Don't clench me so suddenly. ." Daichi growled as he continued his mercilessly pounding

"nGH! AnGH~! ♡" Hinata moaned out loudly as his face became an erotic sight.

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