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Will I ever get a hug?

Will I ever be able to feel your arms?

Your big hands engulfing me.

Nothing more

Nothing less.

Would I be able to bury my head into the shoulder

Of your red polo?

Would you ever allow me to?

Or will I just be stuck in my head.

The thought playing on loop.

When I sleep

You're the only thing that comes up.

It's nothing romantic.

Just that you're in it.

My mind knows what's plausible and what's not

But does it know with you?

I doubt it.

You sit in the back of the class.

Do you ever look over your book to see me?

Or just a quick glance like I do?

Do you even think about it?

I'll catch your eyes sometimes

I'll catch them staring at my profile after lunch.

I'll catch them like a small butterfly on a leaf.

So easy to scare off.

So easy to lose.

I wonder what would happen if I took a peak into your brown curls.

Cut the skin a little deeper to find answers.

Would I want to know them?

Would I want to find out?

Would it be a chamber locked up with lava and dragons?

Or would it be a small box of secrets, sitting in a small landsacpe?

A box so inviting, I'll have to look into it.

Would it be full of flowers, just for me?

Or a cactus, awaiting my hand.

I'll never know.

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