Chapter 3: We want 'More'

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"Before we begin... can we ask Nate McGarden to come up here." Evelynn said.

"...WAIT WHAT!?" Nate yelled in shock over his name being called.

No PoV

"Why are they calling for you big brother?" Levy asked.

"I-I dunno?" Nate responds sounding a bit nervous, its not that he has stage fright, he is just not comfortable standing beside 5 beautiful women infront of an obsessive fan base.

"Sir will you come with me please." A female asked.

"I dunno." Nate replied.

"Please Nate... Ahri and Akali really needs to say something to you." Seraphine said with her puppy dog eyes.

'Dang it I can never say no to THOSE, I always regretted teaching her that when we were kids, because it's biting me back in the ass now, and even if I say no their fan base is seriously gonna get mad at me, so might as well I guess.' Nate though as he looked around the arena to see the 'Blades' looking at him.

Nate then begrudgingly stood up and walked towards the front where the K/DA girls stood.

"So... I'm here now... what did you wanna say to me?" Nate said hoping that he didn't come off as rude.

Ahri and Akali then walked towards me and bowed slightly, this caused the fams to murmur and caused Mate to take a step back.

""WERE SORRY!"" They yelled in unison.

The audience then became confused as to why the leader and the rapper were apologising to a random guy on the stage, but none lookeyas confused as Nate.

"Sorry... for what?" Mate asked genuinely confused about why are they apologising and why they are bowing.

"Y-You don't know?" Ahri asked.

"No... I seriously have no idea." Nate said.

"It was about... yesterday... you know when we... attacked you for no reason?" Akali said.

The fams then began to murmur once again, but suddenly they heard laughing, Ahri and akali raised their heads and saw Nate laughing.

The fams then began to murmur once again, but suddenly they heard laughing, Ahri and akali raised their heads and saw Nate laughing

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"Hahahahaha! Thats it?" Nate said as he wiped a tear from his eyes from laughing.

"Listen... I don't mind that you guys attacked me... because it was also partially my fault for standing there, you had every right to attack me since you though I was a pervert taking a look at whats under your skirt... besides... were friends now remember." Nate said as he gave the girls a smile.

"S-So... were... cool?" Ahri asked.

"Hahaha like what you said yesterday as Ice Ahri, Akali... were all cool as Ice." Nate said with a smile.

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