Chapter 4: How I met my best friend

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After the concert
No PoV

The K/DA group are currently relaxing after their great performance, however they are also currently teasing Seraphine about her little performance with our white haired photographer.

"Soooooo~ was that song really for someone else Sera?" Ahri asked.

"U-Ummm..." Seraphine said with a blush.

"You were so bold out there deary, I thought you were gonna confess right then and there." Evelynn said while retouching her makeup.

"Yeah, and the song you two wrote was wonderful as well." Kai'sa said while taking a sip of her water.

"So spill it, was that song really for another guy?" Akali asked while sitting beside Seraphine.

"W-Well... Ummm... uhhhh... -sigh- No... that song... wasn't for another guy... that song was... for Nate... I just... I was just too shy to tell him how I felt a few years ago so I told him that I was making a song for the boy I liked... but he interpreted it wrong." Seraphine said.

Before any of them can tease and ask her more questions a knock on the door was heared, Seraphine was the one who opened the door and immediately she was tackled by a white haired girl.

"Big Sister Sera!" The girl said as Seraphine hugged her back.

"Hahaha hi there Levy, so did you like the concert?" Seraphine asked as she gave the girl a pat on the head.

Levy then separated from her and gave her a bright smile.

"Yeah, it was sooooo cool!" Levy said.

"Well now who's this little snowball?" Evelynn said walking from behind Seraphine.

Despite Levy being a fan she instinctively took a step back, but she was stopped by someone placing a hand on her shoulder, and that someone is her older brother Nate.

"Hey their your idols right, then dont step back." Nate said with a smile.

"Hi Nate." Seraphine said.

"Hi Sera, you girls were amazing back there, also why exactly did you call me out?" Nate asked his best friend.

"Like I said it was our Best frieneversary." Seraphine said with a smile.

"Sure fine, whatever... so what did you get me?" Nate asked.

"Uhhh the platinum VIP tickets." Seraphine replied.

"... Oh right... hahaha... well again congratulations on the performance, you girls killed it." Nate said.

"Thanks, and so did you and Sera." Ahri said nudging the girl who inturn began rubbing her arm with a blush.

"'I really Like you' man it feels like it's been soooo long since we sang that, you didn't even sing it with the guy you liked, you only sang it with me hahaha." Nate said with a light chuckle.

"Hahaha... ha... yeah." Seraphine said while looking down.

"Hey whats wrong little angel?" Nate asked.

Upon hearing the nickname again Seraphine blushed.

"I-I told you to stop calling me that!" Seraphine said.

"Little Angel?" Ahri asked.

"My brother likes giving nicknames to people, he gave big sis Sera 'little angel' because her name kinda sounds like Seraph a type of angel and she was a bit short back then." Levy replied.

"Well that's cute and all but you still haven't introduced us to this little girl?" Ahri asked.

"Sorry, this is my little sister Levy, Lev say hi." Nate said.

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