Who doesnt like riddles?

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~Abby POV~
I woke up. In stiff as hell from being tied up all night and also I haven't moved at all besides trying to get undone. Also I've been in my armor. So I REALLY need to stretch.

I opened my eye to see the exact wall I had been staring at for the while night trying to get out. Thinking if my new team even cared enough to come get me. I didn't know them that we'll. I could already tell that Caboose wasn't very...... intelligent. Church is a cranky , stubborn person who curses a lot more than me. Tucker..... I don't know. He's actually pretty young to be in the army but who am I to day that?

Then I heard........ singing? What the hell? I slowed my breathing to listen.

"Let me blow you away! You won't believe your eyes and ears today! You are into a surprise when you look into my eyes! You won't be able to deny gaze"!

What the hell is happening out there?

"Wait a minute Donut. Your what"? I heard Sarge ask. Ok. Now I started to smile.

"C'mon sarge! You can't deny my deep, penetrating..... Eye contact! My gaze! What did you think I said"? Donut asked.

"I'm. Don't ask" sarge said.
"Don't tell"! Donut said before continuing.

"Let me blow you away! There's nothing that I will not do or say! To entertain a red companion in this hot as sweaty canyon! Like a stallion in bursting through the gate"!

"A what"? I heard Simmons ask.

"A stallion! A stud! A horse with a big.."
"Don't say it"! Simmons interrupted.

"Saddle. Now who's wants to mount up"? Donut asked.

"Oh god" Simmons said.

I was starting to laugh do hard. XD

"Let me start with this inquiry. Which I've recorded in my diary. I've got a secret thing I want to say.

What's worse! Than a conundrum. Or a cheerleader threesome! Not taking time to end your life each day!

You seethe fun. Will never seise. As long as we've got elbow greese! There's really nothing to it! When your using. Head... light. Fluid......"

I started to actually laugh I was almost crying.

"Donut. You do know there's no such thing as rad light fluid" I heard Grif say.

"Depends on what you mean by head"! Donut said.

Holy shit these people are insane!

"I'm just going to pretend I don't know what you mean" Grif said again.

"We'll I'm just going to pretend you do"! Donut said.

Grif just sighed.

"I've caught the fever for hit fun ad I'm recruiting everyone. You know this army needs a little style! Hold my ankles, stretch my hammies! I hope you like double wammies cause I'm going to sing and dance until you smile"!

"Some soldiers only work and nap! While I ride in shotguns lap! The solution is simple! I'll fully them up with. My. Potential"!!! He sang.

"Donut! Please! Enough with the double entendras"!

"Double entendra? Is that anything like a ménage a trios"?

"Ugh. I give up" Simmons said.

"In that case! Let me blow you away! Like a needle I'll get lost inside your hay! Easy if you know how! Just like milking a cow! Like we do in on the farm back in Iowa"!

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