Chapter 1

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Lightings strikes and loud thunders tore apart the sky over the small and quiet town of Deju - little, seemingly innocent place hidden deep between the shadows of the high beautiful mountains and wide pine woods of Korea. Coldness huged the city. Heavy rains were a constant in people's lifes. The gray blanket of clouds in the sky and the sometimes thick fog made it impossible for the sunlight to hit the wet streets. All this made the town look dark and moody, depressed and sad, like everything had lost its color.

Unfortunately, it was one of those many days when the rain didn't stop falling. The clouds in the sky were grayer than usual, throwing even thicker shade over the town. There was almost no daylight coming through the windows of the local high school, where Jennie Kim had her forehead glued to her cold metal locker.

"Problems in heaven again?"

She heard a nearing husky voice say from her side. Pulling her thick coat closer to her body in a desperate search for warmth, she sighed and lifted her head to look at the person. There was she. A beautiful raven haired girl covered in her dark blue shirt and light colored jeans, with her usual smile painted on her heart shaped lips approaching her with curious look in her deep brown eyes hidden under long black eyelashes. Jisoo was the pure epitome of beauty and perfection.

Jennie returned a small, not so genuine smile to her best friend. "Yeah, what's new. I still can't convince her to finally do it" the brunette let out a heavy sign and opened her locker.

"Look, you can't force her to do something like this if she doesn't want to. It ain't easy. She's scared, understand her" Jisoo said and leaned her shoulder on the locker next to Jennie's.

"Yes, I know that, but she is not going to be the only one to come out, she won't be the only one to risk it all. I will be too and I'm scared as well, but I know it's time and we can't keep going like this. I'm doing it for us and not only for myself, so if you think it's selfish, save it, please" Jennie said and shut the door closed.

The two best friends made their way through the school hallways and towards the assigned room for their next class.

"Well, I do think it's selfish. I also think you do realize that it sounds that way when you say it" Jisoo said from behind her as they walked into the room.

Jennie threw her bag on the floor by the leg of her school desk and immediately slumped on the hard wooden chair. The disgusting smell of rain and wet people immediately hit her senses and made her scrunch her face in disgust. Smells like this weren't exactly something extraordinary for this town considering the fact that everyone and everything was pretty much wet all the time. She just never got used to it tho.

"Maybe it does, but you just don't see it from my perspective, no one does. Not that many people know about us anyways" Jennie said frustratedly.

Jisoo rolled her eyes as she fished her books from inside her school bag, putting them neatly on top of the desk so they can be ready for the upcoming class. When she turned towards her friend again, she noticed that Jennie now had her head thrown back on the desk behind hers, arms crossed over her chest. Jisoo just shook her head and decided not to push the topic anymore.

A minute later Chaeyoung entered the room and walked towards her desk on Jennie's left. A smile appeared on her lips when her eyes caught the sight of the cute sulking brunette. She pulled back her chair so she can sit, but it created an annoying screeching sound as it glided over the smooth white tiles aligned on the floor. It filled the ears of everyone in the room, making the whole class groan in frustration.

She quickly apologized for the inconvenience and sat down at her place. Jennie shot her head up at the sound of the familiar sweet voice she grew up loving so much in the past months and her eyes immediately lit up at the sight of the blonde.

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