02- Cassian

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I am having a mind numbing conversation with devlon. We have has this discussion about a hundred times. He doesn't rutting get it. I am about to punch him in his sexist face when i hear someone screaming for dear life. My head snaps to rhys and Az and they heard it too. I punch devlon square in the face and start running. Towards the fae in need. We hear the scream again and from across the camp i see three males towering over a small female. A child. I start running faster. One male grabs her and soars into the sky. I follow them into the sky while Az and Rhys deal with the other two. I watch as they go though the clouds. When i make it through they are about a hundred meters away and i see the male holding the child and see him pounding her face with his fist. His eyes lock with mine. He grins and drops the thrashing child. I dive after her. I tuck my wings in and follow her to the ground. She is still too far ahead of me. I am to far to call to rhys to alert him. I tuck in tighter and chase her. I almost have her. I reach out and grab her just before she hits the ground. I spread my wings and soar away from the hard ground. She clings to my arms and i hold her tight. Tears wrack her body.

"Shhhhhh" i say while stoking her hair. "Your safe now"

"Im sorry" she says

"For what?" i ask.

"The male was mad that i helped the female. He got really mad because i hurt him to help her get away. Im so sorry. He was going to hurt her" she says tears wracking her body.

"You did nothing wrong. You have nothing to be sorry for" i hold her tighter. "Whats your name?"

"Aelin" she says softly

"Well Aelin i am Cassian. But you can call me Cass" i look down at her. And she looks up at me. Her beautiful eyes entrancing me. "Would you like to go to a place called Velaris Aelin?"

She nods in my arms. I keep flying towards velaris. About half way into the fight the little fae falls asleep in my arms.

When i get there i go straight to the town house. When i walk in mor is waiting.
"Finally" she groans without looking up. "What took you so long"

"Mor quiet" i snapp.

"What why?" she says and looks up at me.

She sees aelin in my arms and rushes over. She takes her from my arms. She rocks her gently. Aelin wakes up and jumps out of Mor's arms producing a hidden blade. She sees me and lowers the blade. She cocks her head at mor.

"Who are you" she asks and then shock covers her face. "I am sorry" she says and curtsies " hello i am Aelin Ashvyer Galanthius, princess to Terrasen"

Mor curtsies "i am Morrigan but you may call me Mor"

Aelin frowns "I don't have a nickname" she gestures to me " you have Cass and she has Mor. Whats my nickname?"

"How about Ae?" i ask.

She nods happily and runs into my arms and gives me a big leg-hug. Mor looks at me as if to say awwwww that is the cutest thing i have ever seen. I just nod because i agree. She is so cute

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