38- Aelin

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I let my magic rip through the world. It deserves to burn for what happened to sam and Ziamara. I pick up her limp body and carry her outside. Cassian follows me wordlessly. I take her out to the old tree that we used to climb. I make two bowl shaped holes in the ground.
"Bring sam here" i say to Cassian. Voice horse.

He flys away and i burn Ziamaras body. I then put her ashes in one of the holes and cover it. I find a Plumeria flower and place it on her spot and her favorite balde. Cassian lands with sam in his arms and puts him in front of me. I do the same with sams body but put his mothers ring instead of the flower. I sit there for a while and cry. Cassian doesn't say a word.

"Fine" i say finally. 

"What do you mean?" he asks softly

"I mean fine. Take me back to your court and experiment on my brain until my bloody memories come back. But if you are lying about my past i will kill you slowly and painfully. Then i will burn your bodies and use your ashes for flour in a batch of cookies"

"I promise we aren't lying. Thank you so much Aelin" he says happily.

"And you will call me by my name until those memories come back" i say with my eyes still on th graves.

"Ok Celena" he says and holds out his hand.

I send i silent payer to the mother or whatever higher being there is before taking cassian's hand. He helps me stand.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks.

I don't move my eyes from the grave "yes"

He whisks me into his arms gently and we fly towards the night court. I don't let my gaze leave the graves until i can no longer see them. Goodbye.

When we arrive at the City of Velaris. I jump out of his arms. 

"Stop with the mind games. I know this is all a fake City" i snarl.

"This is real Ael- Celena. I promise. The ruins are an illusion we use to protect the people living here" he explains.

By the mother that makes sense. "Ok"

He guides me to the town house that feels so familiar yet i have never seen it before. We walk in and there are the rest of Rhysands court. They all stare at me in shock. They see the dark look in my eyes.

"What happened Ae?" asks morrigan.

"I just learnt a very important life lesson" i say and let a single tear fall down my face "there are no winners in life" i say and look up at her "only survivors"

"Well that is awfully miserable Girl" says amren with a Chuckle "who died?" she jokes.

I have a blade at her neck within a second and twenty blades of fire aiming everywhere on her body.

"Build a Fae a fire and they will be warm for a day. Set a Fae on fire and they will be warm for the rest of their life. You seem awfully cold amren" i snarl and spit in her face.

"Celena agreed to try and get her memories back" says Cassian Cheerily.

I roll my eyes and sit down on the couch. "Have at it" i say and feel rhysand enter my mind.

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