10- Aelin

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I have been in Endovier for five years now. The longest anyone has ever survived by far. My back is like a tapestry made by a blind baby. They whip me harder everyday. They don't want me to survive. I stopped trying to find ways to escape a year ago. Because there is no way out. The only exit is guarded at all times by at least forty guards. I might've been able to take them with my fire and swords. That was if I had a sword. Or could shift without blowing everything to pieces.

I have been human all this time. Three years. It felt so wrong. I hated it. I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't smell peoples intentions or emotions. I was always the best at smelling peoples intentions and emotions in my family. A pang of sadness rocks through my body. I miss my family so much. I wish i never left.

You will be ok Ae. stay stong.

My head snaps up. I heard rhys in my mind.


There is no reply. I must've imagined it. He has been gone for twenty five years. I missed him for ten. I searched for him for ten. I was in this hell hole that seems to be the Mothers ass. I chuckle to myself. Cassian would like that.

Yes he would says rhysands voice in my mind

rhys/ are you there. Please say something.

No reply. Mothers tits maybe i am insane. I hear a dark chuckle in my mind. Cauldron boil me. I am so going insane.

I lift my picaxe once more and slam it into the rock wall. I keep doing it over and over. Occasionally picking up any salt i find. I pick up my axe again and my legs buckle. I fall to the floor. The two guards see it. They run over and drag me away. They use any and every excuse to whip me. Its like a game to them. Sick bastards. They drag me up to the posts and tie me up. There is a guard who keeps dropping the rope. I roll my eyes and look up at him with a sweet smile.

"Would you like me to do it for you?" i ask.

He strikes my face. I expected it. I move my face and he stumbles forward. I use the half attached rope to choke him and then grab his dagger. I throw it at my other tied up wrist. The rope splits. I grab the dagger from the post and throw it at the bastard who always whips me the hardest. It lands between his eyes. He crumples to the floor. He deserves it. I saw what he did to some of the females here. I hear the cack of a whip and collision with my back. It feels like someone has just ripped my tapestry in half. I cry out and fall to the floor. The whip comes again and again. I cry out in pain. I count the lashes. Again. Again. Again. Pain. pain. Pain. twenty three. Twenty four. Twenty five. They just keep coming. I cry out until there are no more tears and my voice is hoarse. The lashings keep coming.

Seventy one. Seventy two. Seventy three.

Again and again.

Ninety eight. Ninety nine. One hundred.

It stops ans i fall to the floor. Three guards come up to me and rub all the salt i mined for the day into my cuts. I curse them and they just laugh. I think i am going to die here. 

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