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Your POV
He just called me beautiful. No one ever called me that before. My heart raced and my stomach dropped. Finn was the sweetest boy I knew and definitely the cutest. I was wrong about him he wasn't some stupid mean boy jock. His heart was pure. Maybe i was crushing on him, but I knew there was also someone else in my heart.
Emma and I took one last mirror pic.
I we ordered the pizza twenty minutes ago and it finally arrived.
I checked my phone I had 112 notifications! I opened my phone and saw 80 people replied to my snap story. Everyone wrote can't wait it what's the address. I just didn't reply. Was 80 people going to come to my party? Omg!!

We only ordered 2 pizzas it definitely wasn't going to be enough. We also only had like 7 beer bottles. Well maybe people were going to bring drinks and food. I hope they do. It was 7:48 people would start arriving soon!
I checked my phone it was a text from Noah.

Noah- hey I don't think we are going to make it Bianca wants to stay home tonight. Maybe next time.

I didn't even reply. This made me angry but I wasn't so mad. I knew like 80 other people were coming and Emma and Finn are going to be here so.
"You ready for this?" Finn asked "I think lots of people are coming!"
"Yes I'm so excited!" I said back
"Ok good" he replied

And then just like that the clock hit 7:58 and mobs and groups of people came to my house. 10 or 15 at a time from one car. People brought drinks and food. Lost of drinks. I knew my house would be a mess in the morning but for one night I wanted to have FUN. so I forgot about everything else and just partied.

I ran over to Mason a tall jock at my school. I told him to fill my red cup with beer and he gladly did.
"Hey your hot" mason said while filling my cup.
I gagged internally and the walked away. It was weird so many boys and girls were noticing me. Calling me "hot" or "popular" I loved it! I guess all I had to do was throw a party!?

I ran to my living room where people were dancing. People were so close together and there was no personal space. But I didn't care. I was having so much fun. I was singing and dancing with everyone. I then saw Finn sitting alone on the couch. I motioned him to come over but he shook his head. I made a praying hand motion and a pouty face. He stood up and walked over to me. I grabbed his hand and danced. He looked at me like I was crazy for a second and then danced with me. I screamed and sang. People everywhere were dancing and singing. This was definitely insane!!

After what felt like 25 minutes of non stop dancing I walked to the kitchen to get another drink. I saw Emma standing next to the fridge.
I walked up to Emma.
"Summer this party is insane. It's almost 11!" Emma screamed over the loud music
"11! Wow" I exclaimed
"What are you doing over here?" I asked her
"Oh just getting a water, but there's something I need to show you!" Emma said
"Ok later I'm gonna go find Finn." I replied
"Ooooo. How drunk are you?" She asked
"Only a little" I said walking away barely being able to keep my balance.

I really had to pee. I went to go to the bathroom. I pushed through mobs of people trying to get there. My house was filled with so many people I didn't know. But I didn't even care I was so drunk. I walked into the bathroom were I saw two random kids making out. They both had no shirt on.
"Wow sorry" I said and quickly ran out
Ew that was gross. I decided I would just use the bathroom upstairs.

Every step I took there was a red cup or a beer bottle. I walked through a group of people. I bumped into someone and hit my head kinda hard on there's.
"Sorry." I said and then I realized who I was talking to
"Noah?" I asked "I thought you couldn't make it"
"Turns out Bianca wanted to come. This is a nice party tho. So many people are here." He said
"Yea there are lots of people here." I say biting my lip
"Are you drunk?" Noah asked
"No why? Your so silly Noah. Haha your so cute and silly!" I said laughing loudly
"Noah wanna come upstairs with me?" I asked him
"Yea sure what's up?" He said
I grabbed his hand and dragged him behind me.
I barely got up the stairs without tipping over but thankfully there was a railing to keep me up.
We got to my parents bedroom. I sat down on the bed.
"Hey what's up" he asked
"Oh nothing it's just we haven't... talked in a while and i think we should talk." I say licking my lips.
"Yea sure we are bestfriends" he says "how do you like Finn?" He asks
"Oh he is so nice, mad hot really hot. He is so hotttt." I say fiercely
I say Noah's face get stern
"Does that make you angry?" I ask him putting my finger on his chest
"What no." He says
"Are you sure?" I ask pulling myself closer to him.
"No of course it doesn't bother me. I think Finns a great guy and he would be.."
I cut him off.
"Noah I don't wanna talk." I say "I know we have been friends for so long but everyone knows we are more than that. I want you Noah." I say and kiss him passionately. I pull him close into me. He kisses me back for three seconds then pulls away. I smile and lick my lips.
"Summer what are you doing. We can't do this I have a girlfriend! I don't know what your thinking everyone knows but I like Bianca not you" He screams in my face
I was so drunk I didn't really know what was going on but after he said those words my heart broke so literally.
"I-i" I say but the tears in my eyes over through my words and I can't speak
Noah runs out of the room and slams the door behind him. I run after him but he runs down the stairs then out the door. I feel my makeup running my cheeks and my mascara dripping down. I can barely breathe from what I just did.
I run into my bedroom where I see Finn holding a picture of me.
"What are you doing in here?" I ask in a rude voice
"O I was just looking at pictures of you" he replies sweetly
"You can't just be in here. And you can't look at my pictures this is my personal space." I yell
"Summer I'm sorry." He says
Not another word escapes my mouth. I am so dizzy and nauseous. I run to the bathroom and bend down over the toilet and puke. Finn runs after me to the bathroom. He sees me over the toilet and shuts the door. He gets down on his knees next to me and holds my hair back. I throw up three times before all the beer and gross alcohol is out of my system. My head pounds tho. With the worst headache I have ever head. All the memories come back. Me kissing Noah and then yelling at Finn. I feel horrible for yelling at him.
"Thank you for staying with me." I say after I finally finish throwing up
"Of course." He replies looking down
"Finn I'm so sorry for yelling at you before." I say
"It's alright don't worry about it. You were drunk" he says
"It's not okay. I took all my anger out on you. When you did nothing wrong. All you have done so far was be so nice to me." I reply
"Why were you angry?" He asks concerned
I take a deep breathe.
"What time is it?" I ask
"1:23." He replies
"I'm gonna shut the party down" I say "people will probably hate me for it but.."
"I will do it" he says then walks out.
I get up and look out the bathroom door.
"Hey everyone parties over!!" He screams
No one answers or even acknowledges him. He walks over to the music and shuts it off.
"Hey everyone parties over time to leave." He yells
"Booo" everyone says
"Police are on their way. Everyone's gonna be caught if you don't leave" Finn says
My eyes bulge from my head shit! I think to myself
After hearing the police are coming everyone quickly scrambles out and leaves my house.

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