Chapter 3

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I stood up from the bench.
"Come I didn't show you everything yet"
He followed me. I showed him the lunch tables and who sits with who.

"Who do you sit with?" Finn asked
"I usually sit with Emma, my bestfriend." I replied

Finn slapped his head. I looked at him confused.
"Omg! Your Summer Noah's girlfriend!" Finn said
"No" I laughed "he is my bestfriend. His girlfriends name is Bianca."
"Oh that girl who volunteered to help me?"
"She doesn't seem like a good girlfriend, volunteering to helps the new boy"
"She is. Well at least she makes Noah's happy. They are always hooking up or kissing. but I wouldn't say she is a nice person" I say.
"Honestly the way Noah talks about you. It seems like he loves you" Finn said looking into my eyes
I looked down and I felt like my face turn red
"He does love me. As a friend at least" I reply quickly trying not to seem awkward
"In love." Finn answered
"Noooo..." I said in a raspy harsh voice
"O sorry" Finn replied getting the hint to please stop.

I just started walking. Why would finn say that. I just met him and he is making stupid assumptions. But he is really cute. But nope not falling for a guy like him.
"So where should we go next!?" Finn asked
"Let's go to.." I started to say before being cut off by bearings Finns phone ding
He read his phone intensely. His face changed and so did his mood.
"Actually I think we should get back to class." Finn said not making eye contact with me
"But you just asked.." I started again
"I need, I mean want to go back." Finn said
"r u okay?" I asked not really caring but intrigued but what he read on his phone.

He started walking quickly to the classroom. I tried to keep up but eventually found myself running. I had no clue where he was going. I don't think he did either. He eventually stopped in the middle of the hall and stomped his foot.

"Where is this god dam classroom!" Finn yelled

My eyes opened wider.
I walked up to him.

"Wow are you okay?"
He sighed.
"Yea. I'm fine, it's just" he started
"Never mind" he then said
"Tell me. Please Finn" I said trying to act sweet because I actually was nervous and felt bad.
"I said never mind...Please just bring me to the classroom." Finn said slowly

I walked in front of him the rest of the time in silence. He followed slowly behind me. When we got back to class we both took our seats. Then the bell rang right away. Looks like a I missed science class. I hated it anyways so I wasn't to bummed. Right when the bell rang Finn was gone in a flash. I shrugged and walked to my next class gym. Ew. The good thing was I had it with Noah and Emma. The bad thing was Bianca had it with us too.

I got to gym and I of course walked there alone. When I got there I saw Emma and immediately ran up to her.

"Heyy!! You won't believe what just happened!" I squealed
"Omg what?" Emma asked intrigued
"Ok so there's this new kid Finn. And I had to give him a tour around the school. And we talked a bit and whatever but then he got this text and was acting weird and he ran away and stomped his feet and yea"

By the time I finished my story Emma's head was spinning.
"Ok so new boy Finn, you gave him a tour, acted weird after a text is what I got from that." Emma said laughing
I nodded
"Ok but is he hot?" Emma asked
I didn't answer.
"Omg he is." Emma said
"What? How did you know?" I asked
"I can tell by ur fa.." Emma said but kinda got cut off by Noah walking up to us with Finn.

"Hey guys. This is my friend Finn." Noah said
"Hi Finn." Emma said and smirked then stared at me.
"Hi. And I already know Summer." Finn said and gave me an odd flirty smile/look"
Emma looked at me weird again.
"Yea I know Finn already I gave him a tour" I said smiling at Finn
"Yup we are practically dating" Finn said and laughed
I laughed really hard and idk why.
No one else did but Emma gave a quick giggle. Noah just stared down.
"Noah get over here now!" Bianca yelled in rage across the room

Noah of course ran over to her. Which left Emma Finn and I.
"Hey Summer can I talk to you for one sec." Finn said
"Yea what's up?" I replied
"Alone" Finn said and smiled at Emma
"Oh sure" I said
He walked to a corner.
Emma and I were alone.
"Omg Finn was staring at you." Emma said
"No he wasn't!" I denied
"An Noah was eyeing you down angrily, which totally isn't fair because he has a girlfriend" Emma said
This I agreed with. He def gave me a dirty look before walking away. But he was the one in a relationship not me. It wasn't fair.
"Well new way to make Noah jealous I guess." Emma said
"Ugh I hate this I don't want any drama!" I said
"At least you have boys that like you Summer....Good luck with Finn" Emma said and walked away.

That was super weird. She never acted like that before. I saw Finn waiting for me and staring at his shoes. Dam I could see his sharp jawline from here.

I walked over to him and stood directly across from him in the gym corner. Whatever he said he might wanna make it quick because gym class was about to start.

"Hi" Finn said in a cute soft voice
"Hi" I said and smiled back
"So obviously I acted a little weird before. But I want you to know it had nothing to do with you" he said
"I know" I replied in a sharp voice
I obviously knew it was nothing with me it was that text he got but I obviously could not say that.
"So what was it?" I asked
And then of course the teacher came out of his office and said class was about to begin
"Meet me after school on that bench you showed me" Finn said and walked to his gym spot

I didn't say anything. Should I meet him? It will be kind of awkward but whatever. My thought got interrupted by my teacher
"Summer please go to your spot." He said firmly
I rolled my eye internally and walked to my spot. I hate all gym teachers. They also hate me because I'm not the most participant. I got to my spot and sat down. I stared into space while the teacher talked about what we were doing.
I looked up and then scammed the room. I stared at Bianca with rage but a bit of jealously that she had total control of Noah and what ever she did goes.

After gym class was math and then English. Finally lunch time. My favorite class. I met Emma at her locker and we walked to the lunch room together. We took our seats at our usual table. And then plopped down next to me was Finn. I nearly choked on my water when he sat down. Every girl whispered and gasped when he sat down. He was the new HOT, kinda famous guy sitting next to ME. me.

"Hey!" Finn said
"Hi" I said back still feeling all eyes on me.
I kinda liked it in a way. All the attention. And then my happy thoughts disappeared. Bianca and Noah walked into the lunch room. LITERALLY in slow motion no joke. Shoulder to shoulder cheek to cheek they walked. It disgusted me. How could he be with someone like her. Noah and Bianca walked by us and acted like they didn't know me like usual but this time Finn was there and he wasn't happy.
"Umm hello?" Finn said in rude voice towards Noah.
"O hey guys didn't see you there!" Noah said acting flustered
"Didn't see us?" Finn questioned
"Haha sorry." Noah quickly responded
Noah then walked away to his lunch table but Bianca stayed behind.
"hey slut why don't you try a burger your boney arms and legs aren't attractive." Bianca whispered in my ear.
Ugh again she was bullying me and leaving rude comments. I usually ignored them as always or didn't say anything but this time I was with Finn.
"Excuse me?" Finn said
"Yes!" Bianca said in a sweet tone

Here we go Finn is gonna hit on Bianca like all the other boys do. She is the beautiful one.
"You should never make fun of someone's size or weight. It's unattractive!" Finn said in a nasty tone
My eyes popped out of my head and so did Emma's! OMG.
"What?" Bianca said acting confused
Noah then walked over
"What's going on here?" Noah asked
"Oh just your girlfriends is making fun of Summer and saying rude comments about her." Finn said in angry voice
I felt so embarrassed I didn't need him to stick up for me and especially not to Noah.
"It's fine" I said
"No it's not. Bullying is disgusting and that's what your girlfriends doing, bullying." Finn said
"Did you just call my girlfriends disgusting!" Noah yelled
"If the shoe fits, so be it!" Finn yelled back
Wtf was going on here. I liked it but hated it at the same time. Why did Finn care so much about this.

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