Chapter 10

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YOUR POV from when you got Finns text

"What does this mean!!?" I asked Noah nervously
"Someone very bad has got Finn and may kill him we need to leave." Noah said
"Is this some kind of prank?" I asked
Noah looked me straight in the eyes "summer this is not a prank and if we don't find out where Finn is things will get very bad."
Ok now I was actually scared. When Noah looks you in the eyes you know he is for real.
I ran to Emma in the bathroom.
"We need to go now. I will explain in the car." I said to her and ran to the front door she followed confused.
We got into Noah's car and he started driving.
"Where are we going?" I asked
"What's going on?" Emma asked
"I don't know but we need to get on the road because he is definitely following us." Noah said
"Omg what's happening?" Emma asked
"Who are you talking about?" I asked slowing
"WHATS GOING ON?" Emma yelled "you guys just keep ignoring me"
"I'm sorry it's just Finn is supposedly kidnapped I guess and if we don't find him he is going to be killed!" I screamed
"Haha nice one. Okay can we go back home now." Emma asked
I shook my head "this isn't a prank." I ask
"Do you guys hear yourselves? Finn the new boy at our school is about to be killed and just got kidnapped." Emma spokes "you guys sound ridiculous"
"You know what Emma if you don't believe us we will drop you home." Noah said
"No please I don't wanna get in the way of your journey search for Finn. I would love to see this." She said
Ugh she didn't believe us but I didn't blame her we do kind of sound stupid. I mean now that I'm think about it we sound so stupid.
"Noah if this is some kind of joke you will be the dead one not Finn"
"I promise it's real. And not the first time." He answered
"Should I text Finn back and ask him where he is?" I asked
"Yes" Noah said
Me- where are you?

He didn't respond but I didn't really expect him to. I began to sweat and I couldn't breathe. I started to hyperventilate. I couldn't breathe quite literally. I didn't want to show them but I felt so sick like I was about to puke. I was so nauseous and nervous. I didn't want Finn to die or any of us. Finally I caught my breathe and all my bad thoughts disappeared kinda. I looked out the window and a tear fell down my face. I couldn't let Finn die we needed to find him.
I had no clue where we were driving to. I just wanted to go back to last night before any of this complicated stuff happened. Noah started getting off at random exits and doing weird stuff. I had been noticing him doing weird stuff while driving for a while so I said something
"Noah what are you doing?" I asked confused
"Don't be scared but a black van has been following us for the last 11 minutes. I tried getting off at weird places to see if they are actually following us and they are." Noah answered
My heart drops in my chest. Now I really feel sick. My breathes get quick and short.
"Omg Noah we are going to die." I say crying
"It's okay summer." He says putting his hand on my thigh.
This does comfort me in a way. I look down.

The black van speeds up and is about to hit us. I scream and Noah speeds up. Noah goes so fast. At this point we are lost and have no clue where we are driving. The snow starts to get thick and it falls harder. There are no other cars around us.
"I'm calling the police!" I yell
"No you can't." Noah says slapping my phone to the bottom of the car.
I turn around realizing Emma hasn't been talking this whole car ride. I then see she is passed out in the back seat.
"What the fuck Noah. Why can't I call the freakin police." I yell
He doesn't answer the van starts speeding up again and Noah does too.
The tires get stuck in the snow and the car stops short. The van behind us doesn't though. I close my eyes ready to die. I take Noah's hands and hold it. Then the van slams into us. I open my eyes. I turn to my left and see Noah. He is laying on the steering wheel not moving. My heart races. I start tapping him and then hitting him.
I see Emma behind me awoken
"What's happened!" She yells
I started screaming and crying
"Noah!!! Noah please wake up Noah please!" I scream
"Is he?" Emma asked tearing up
I see a tall man get out of the van
I scream louder. I try open the door but it's covered by thick snow. Emma's door isn't covered
"Emma get out run!!" I yell
"I'm not leaving you summer."
"Emma you are our last chance. Please go!" I scream
"Summer I-."
"GO! Before it's to late" I yell
"I love you" she yells and runs out of the car into the woods. 
The man doesn't even seem to notice he just keeps waking towards me.
"Noah?" I ask one last time
He doesn't reply.
I scream and cry "HELP" but no one is out here. It's just me this man and Noah.
I kiss Noah on the cheek and then the man is at my Window.
He yanks the door open.
"Hello" he says
I kick him hard in the chest and he falls back.
I run out the door to the woods. But the man gets back up and chases me. I'm no match for his speed. He grabs my hair and pulls me back into him. He punch's me in the stomach. And i feel all the air escape me body. He picks me up and heads to the car. I try to fight back but I can breathe from the punch im still trying to catch my breathe. He throws me into his van. Where I see a smaller man sitting and Noah next to him. Noah is laying down and not moving.
"Hello Summer I have been waiting for you." The smaller man says
"What do you want from me!" I plead
"Oh nothing at all just to kill you." He says
My eyes open wide. I don't say a word back. The smaller man has curly brown hair and brown eyes. He is pretty skinny and kinda short but he is sitting down. The man who chased me holds me in the seat while another huge guy drives. I don't know where we are going but I'm hoping it to Finn. The rest of the car ride I watch Noah. Hoping to see some sort of sign of life but nothing. The body guards takes out a needle. O my god. He quickly injects it into my arms. The pain is light and then my eyes get very heavy. Keeping them open is a struggle and eventually I drift off to sleep.

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