Fan Fiction or Non Fiction ?

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Benjamin Bruce just got out of the quickest shower he'd ever taken in whichever hotel his band had ended up staying in for the night. Apparently this short shower hadn't been enough to give him anymore energy, however, because he clumsily hit his toe on the door walking back to the room. Bloody, he stared to tell, until he remembered the bet him and the band had to see who could go the longest without cursing. It was their pal the Warrior's idea. Crazy idea.

Ben almost lost!, Cameron shouted from the bed in the room Ben entered.

Do it Benjamin! Lose so the rest of us can cuss again! Please!, James pleaded from a couch in the corner.

Can't a man change into pajamas in peace?, Ben asked, rolling his eyes.

Nope, not when I'm here babe. But go ahead and change, you're sexy., Daniel Worsnop commented, wiggling his eyebrows like a crazy fool.

Oh, go on with yourselves and let me change alone!, Ben yelled.

You really want me to go, baby?, Danny asked, looking legitimately disappointed.

If you keep pouting at me you'll know I'll let you win. Curse you're cuteness, Worsnop!, Ben yelled, playfully slapping Danny in his gayest way.

No! You love me, Bruce!, Danny yelled back in Ben's face.

Get a room, Brusnop!, Sam yelled, finally getting up and going to the shower.

Brusnop?, Ben and Danny asked the guys. What was Brusnop?

Yeah, Brusnop, of course. It's your ship!, Cam said, smiling pleasantly.

Ship?, Danny asked, more confused than ever.

Basically, he's talking about you two. As a couple. It was created by our fans who want you guys to date, and not act like it like you do on interviews, they mean actually date, as in go out together, holding hands, kissing, sleeping together... Brusnop is the name for it. Half of each of your last name., James explained, very calm about the situation.

Yep. All of our fans would kill to see a Ben and Danny porno!, Cam joked.

Sammy probably would., James whispered.

As much as something like this should've disused Benjamin, he smiled. His fans were just as crazy as he was.

At the sight of the handsome smile on Ben's face, Danny's own lips twitched up into a smile. A real smile. The kind of smile he hadn't been able to produce in weeks. Danny was relieved that them being together didn't repulse him, because that's exactly what Danny dreamed of every night. He could almost picture the look of hatred Ben had given him in his previous night's nightmare. This was because, to Danny, Brusnop wasn't just something he wanted to stay a fanfiction. Danny wanted Brusnop to be real.

Danny had only ever told one person about these strong, homosexual feelings he'd developed for his band mate and bestfriend. He only told his other bestfriend, who encouraged him to tell Ben these feelings and volunteered to be by his side when he did so. But Mitch wasn't here anymore. The day Mitch left was the day Danny stopped smiling.

But now, the hopeless idiot inside of him was pounding faster than it ever had. Now, the cute voices and dreams inside his head had what looked like the smallest tinge of hope. Now, the foolishness of Danny's ever wandering mind was causing a slight blush to develop on his cheeks.

Danny wanted to be with Ben more than ever now. Danny wanted to do it for Mitch, like he'd never been able to.

Daniel Worsnop didn't want Brusnop to be a fan fiction anymore. He wanted it to be nonfiction.


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