Chapter Four

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 Y/n's P.O.V.

The following night, I tossed and turned in my bed, still hearing the ringing sound of gunshots in my ears. I couldn't imagine if I had stayed in that corner and watched my family get murdered in front of me, so I tried not to think about it. But, I couldn't help but wonder what my family was thinking. Were they thinking that they were going to cheat death? Did they believe there would be a miracle from God that would save them? Even thinking about what could've been going through their minds at the time of their deaths made me want to cry harder than I ever had before.

Somehow, I managed to doze off after spending nearly an hour looking up at the ceiling. When I looked outside one of the large windows in my bedroom, I saw that it approaching dawn. The sky was turning into a light purple and I knew that the sun would be up soon. It wasn't like me to get up early in the morning, my sister Serena was always the early bird, she helped the servants in the kitchen prepare breakfast for everyone despite their protests that she didn't have to.

My siblings and I were different in every way, from our looks to our personalities. I was the bookworm of the family, and I always had my nose buried deep into a good book. Eulalie was the prettiest of my sisters, her hair was the color of a thriving cornfield, and she was the adventurous one. Frederick always strived to be a cartographer, I can recall many times when I saw him in the library studying different maps. Finally, Nicholas, he considered himself to be artistic, he spent the majority of his days in the art room of our house learning how to make beautiful landscapes.

I slowly walked towards the vanity and started to brush my hair. When I was nearly done, I heard a knock at the front door. I was nowhere near presentable to answer the door, so I quickly grabbed a light grey dress from my closet and slipped it over my head. When I opened the front door, I was surprised to discover that it was Olaf.

"Olaf, what are you doing here?" I asked slightly confused. "I know that times have been tough for you Ms. L/n, so I am here to offer you my support and condolences," He answered with a small smile on his face. It looked like he was holding something behind his back, and I was curious to know what it was. "I brought you these flowers," He said pulling out a small bouquet of daffodils and lilies. "Thank you, Olaf that's very kind of you, come in," I smiled.

I quickly switched out the previous flowers from the large glass vase in the sitting room, and the daffodils and lilies brightened up the room a little. "Can I make some tea or anything?" I asked looking back at him. "No thank you, I'm good for now," he said. I took a seat on the sofa across from him, and there was a brief silence between us that was quickly growing awkward. "I know this past week has been awful for you, but out of curiosity, I was wondering are you coping well?" he asked.

I wanted to lie and tell him that I was doing fine, but he was the only person who I had come into close contact with since the tragedy, and I needed someone to confide in and speak my truth. But, when I tried to answer that question, the words would not come out, just a series of small, unintelligible noises. Then finally, a small sob escaped my lips, and I started crying into my hands.

"It's gonna be okay, we'll get through this together," I heard Olaf whisper. I looked up, and I saw that he was no longer sitting across from the sofa, but he was now sitting next to me. I wiped my small tears away and my e/c eyes met his blue eyes. "Do you swear?" I asked softly. He nodded slightly and gave me a small, reassuring smile. 

"I swear,"

A V.F.D. Romance Count Olaf x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now